點樣做RUNESCAPE QUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-09 2:54 am
點樣做Pirate treasure Quest????I don't know!!!!

回答 (7)

2007-06-15 5:34 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. 先到Port Sarim 搵Redbeard Frank(圖一)talk開quest

2. 去Karamja island(30gp,pay fare to 水手,圖一)的pub/inn 買 Karanjan rum (30gp,圖二)


圖一‧Port Sarim各要地

3. 入pub/inn對面ge屋仔,同Luthas(圖二) talk,話你想搵野做,佢會要你響banana plantation(圖二) 摘10隻bananas放入佢屋仔出面的crate(圖二) 入面,途中你use rum with crate,放o左支rum入去,入哂bananas箱就入返去拎人工(30gp)。
P.S.你可以繼續問佢可唔可以繼續做工拎錢(每次30 gp);而做呢個步驟係因為你拎住rum搭船出island時customs officier會唔俾你拎rum走而沒收的;而你teleport走的話rum個樽又會爆裂……


圖二‧Karamja Island各要地

4. 去你落船的地方搭船返番去Port Sarim (30gp)去fishing shop 拎white apron(白圍裙,圖一)。

5. 著住white apron去Port Sarim的food shop (圖一)開那間房仔度門 ,Wydin(圖一) 會話你要被employed o左先可以入去,咁你就乘機搵份工做 啦(幫佢執好間房)~~

6. 而家可以入去啦~~ 你入房search crates ,你就會得番枝bottle of Karamjan rum 。

7. 帶住rum去搵番Redbeard Frank,佢會俾條key你(use key with chest)。

8. 帶住key去Varrock 的Blue Moon Inn (圖三), 上二樓到較西面的那間房,開chest。裏面係一張紙 (a note),寫住"Visit the city of the White Knights, in the park Saradomin points to the X which marks the spot"(「到訪白武士的城市,公園內Saradomin指著的X就是那了」)。


圖三‧Blue Moon Inn所在地

9. 去Falador,從北門而入會見到Saradomin的神像[/color][/b](status,圖四),向他手指著的東面而行,經過至間小屋仔 (圖四),入去拎spade,跟住入公園(park,圖四)內的"X"(由深淺顏色的path形成)的中間位置挖(dig,圖四,use spade with ground - cemtre of "X"),挖時個gardener (園丁)會來阻止你,你打死佢後再挖,就搵到寶藏完成quest喇



- One-Eyed Hector's Tresure chest (gold ring, emernald, some money)
- 2 Quest Points



起始地點: Port Sarim (Redbeard Frank)
任務長短: 中等
困難度: 中等

- 大概100gp (搭船)
- white Apron
- spade
- Karanjan rum (30gp)
- 10 bananas

我整的~~ lolz 重整緊 =P
重有Runescape 問題msn /email 小妹啦,按入我的檔案吧!!
2007-06-15 7:27 am
go to rune hq.com and you know!!!
參考: bobob813
2007-06-13 6:03 am
Difficulty: Easy
Length: Medium
Members: No

• 2 Quest points
• Gold Ring
• Cut Emerald
• 450 gp

Start: Redbeard Frank, outside the pub in Port Sarim [map].

Needed items:
120 gp
White Apron (can be bought in the clothes shop in Varrock)

Recommended items:
Teleport Runes to Varrock and Falador

Getting the rum
1. To start, talk to Redbeard Frank outside the pub in Port Sarim [map]. Tell him that you're in search of a treasure. After you've talked to Redbeard Frank, go south-west to a sailor; either Seaman Lorris, Captain Tobias or Seaman Thresnor. Ask him if he can take you to Karamja. Pay him 30 gold and sail to Karamja.

2. Head to the bar, trade with Zambo and buy some Karamjan Rum, then go back to the dock. Outside the small house, there is a crate. Use the rum with the crate to put it in the crate.

3. Go inside the small house, and ask him if you could offer you an employment. He will say yes. Then, go outside the house and to the west, to the trees with bananas. Pick around 10-15 bananas and put them in the crate where you put the rum. Talk to Luthas when the crate is full, he will give you 30 gp for the work.

4. Go back to the sailor and sail to Port Sarim. Then, go to the food shop, and wear your apron. Open the door inside, but the shopkeeper will stop you. Ask him if you can have a job and he will say yes. Then, try to open the door again and search the crate. Now, you have the rum, so go to Redbeard Frank. He will give you the key to a chest.

Getting the map for the treasure
5. Teleport or walk to Varrock. Head south to the Blue moon, a big pub. Go upstairs and to the room with a chest. Open the chest with the key you got from Frank, and you will find a map for the treasure. Read it and it says: Visit the city of white knights, in the park saradomin points which mark the spot.

The treasure
6. The city of white knights is Falador. Teleport or walk to falador now, and remember your spade. Go to the big park. Look at your minimap, if you see a X go to the middle of it and dig. When you find the treasure, you will complete the quest. Congratulations!
2007-06-12 5:29 am
i know
2007-06-09 10:30 pm

You can read all the quest from this website.
參考: Matthew Ho(level-115)
2007-06-09 8:30 pm
pirate treasure:
1同port sarim個海盜(redbeard frank)講嘢
2搭船去karamja(喺port sarim,用30gp)
3喺karamja個賣酒鋪到買karamja rum(30gp)
5將karamja rum放入去luthus個帳篷隔嚟嗰個樹下面個crate(use Karamja Rum-->crate),然後再放10個banana入去
7番去port sarim
8Wydin's grocery store個storeroom攞番個karamja rum(有banana個crate)(要預備white apron,可以喺varrock clothes shop買)
9俾個karamja rum redbeard frank
10redbeard frank會俾你chest key
11去blue moon inn(varrock酒巴)第二層,unlock個chest,攞pirate's message,然後讀
12去falador park嗰個saradomin statue指住嗰個x到,用spade挖(spade喺rimmington附近個mining site,falador會搵到)

2007-06-09 12:34:55 補充:
你打開個chest(one-eyed hector's treasure)之後就會有reward,唔洗俾redbeard frank啲嘢。你會有gold ring,uncut emerald,450gp

2007-06-09 13:14:54 補充:

2007-06-17 14:34:25 補充:
去Karamja:pay to Captain Tobias,Seaman Lorris,or Seaman Thresnor番去Port sarim:pay to Custom Officer

2007-06-17 15:00:43 補充:
2007-06-09 7:07 pm
Description: Redbeard Frank knows where secret pirate treasure is hidden, it may require some work to persuade him to let you know where though.

Difficulty: Novice

Length: Short

Requirements: No information at this time.

Items Needed: 60 coins, a White apron, and a Spade.

Quest Points Reward: 2

Reward: 450 coins, a Cut Emerald, and a Gold Ring.

Start Point: Port Sarim

To Start: Speak to Redbeard Frank


1.Talk to Redbeard Frank the pirate, he will tell you about the treasure. Say that you want to get the treasure. He will ask you to get him a rum.

2.Travel to Karamja and get off the ship. Go to the bar and buy a Karamjan rum which costs 30 coins.

3.Now talk to Luthas in the house northeast of the bar. Talk to him and say that you want to help him. He will give you a job.

4.Go to the banana field west of this house. Pick 10 bananas and go back to Luthas's house. Just east of it you will see a crate. Use some (not all) bananas in the crate then use the Karamjan rum on the crate. The rum is now inside. Put the remaining bananas in the crate until it's full. After it's full, talk to Luthas and he will pay you 30 coins.

5.Travel back to Port Sarim and walk west. You will see a man called Wydin who owns a food shop. If you have the White apron now, put it on. If you don't, go to the Fish shop just north of you and there you will find a White apron hanging on the wall.

6.Talk to Wydin and ask him to hire you, if you are wearing the White apron, he will hire you. When you need to get hired by Wydin he won't hire you if you talk to him. Instead you must try to open the storeroom door and he will tell that you can't go in unless you are an employee; then if you have the apron on and ask him, he will hire you.

7.Search the all crates that are in the storeroom. One of them contains bananas and your Karamjan rum, take the Karamjan rum out.

8.Talk to Redbeard Frank and he will be pleased and give you a key. He will say that a chest in Varrock contains the treasure.

9.Go to Varrock and and go inside the Blue Moon Inn which is south of the General Stall. Go up to the second floor and into the west room. Use the key on the chest. You will get a note. Read it and it will tell you that the treasure is in Falador's park.

10.Now it's time to dig up the treasure. Go into the park and find a statue. West of it is a large "X" on the ground. If you have the spade, dig at the center of the "X". If you don't, find one in Falador in the house east of the Furnace. If you dig the flowers, a Gardener may attack you. Kill him and dig again. You will get 450 coins, a Gold ring and an Emerald, the quest rewards. The quest is now finished.
參考: www.runehq.com then press "quest guides" ,next press "pirate's treasure"

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