Group 1 的問題

2007-06-09 1:28 am
1.-點解Rubidium(Rb) 的reactivity快過Sodium(Na)?

2.如果我話"Rb can loss electron more rapidly than Ca"得唔得嫁?

回答 (3)

2007-06-09 3:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 點解Rubidium(Rb) 的reactivity快過Sodium(Na)?

因為Rb同Na都係metal, 要lose outermost electron黎令自己stable. 而Rb比Na多左2層electron shells, 所以Rb 的outermost electron離中心 ge吸力細左, 自然lose得易d, 所以reactive d.

2) 如果我話"Rb can loss electron more rapidly than Ca"得唔得嫁?

應該用more readily, 因為你諗下, Ca lose就要lose2粒electrons, 而Rb lose一粒就得啦, 所以就loss electron more readily
2007-06-10 9:36 pm
1.Why Rb more active than Na?

It is because of the atom aize .
Rb atom is bigger than Na. Everybody know electrons are running around the atom.
The atom size is more big, the gravitation is more small. So, the electrons of Na is gravitation to Na atomic nucleus stronger than Rb. So, the electrons of Rb can run out of Rb gravitation. So, Rb is more active than Na.

2.Yes, this is truth.
2007-06-09 1:38 am
1. as the net +ve charges to the outermost e- of both Rb and Na are the same, so the attactive force to outermost e- depends on the radius of the atom of elemnets. Rb has a greater radius then Na, the attractive force to the outermost e- in Rb is smaller to the Na. Outermost e- of Rb is more ready to lose and react, so the reactivity of Rb is higher the Na.
2. same principle of 1.But you should not use "rapidly".... i think more ready is better

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