火影忍者 179集 個星之少年唱個首歌叫咩名呀@@?

2007-06-08 10:54 pm
有無mp3 或者歌名 或者歌詞呀??

回答 (2)

2007-06-10 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
...i think you mean the episode where the star nin remembers the song his mother sung to him when he was young right?

the song's name is 'natsuhiboshi'

http://gendou.com/amusic/lyrics.php?id=7110&show=1 >> jap kanji 歌詞
http://gendou.com/amusic/lyrics.php?id=7110&show=1 >> jap romanji 歌詞
http://gendou.com/amusic/?filter=Naruto&match=2&page=1 >> mp3

but to get the mp3 you need to create an account...and sorry if this isn't the song you're looking for >.>
2007-06-12 6:31 am

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