
2007-06-08 7:21 pm
for exmaple,
你可以唔信我, 不過唔可以唔信你自己!


You cannot trust me..


回答 (7)

2007-06-08 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
用can not 易與 cannot 混淆,咁做乜唔用第二個字呢?
You don't have to trust me, but you have to trust yourself!
2007-06-08 10:39 pm
你可以唔信我, 不過唔可以唔信你自己:
You may not believe me, but may not not believe you!
應該用may not
2007-06-08 8:07 pm
You may doubt me but you must not doubt yourself !
你可以懷疑/不相信我, 但你一定不能懷疑/不相信自己!
2007-06-08 7:37 pm
can 同 not 要分開, 而不是 cannot. 因為cannot解:不能夠; 而 can not 就解: 可以不.


You can not trust me, but you must trust yourself, 就是"你可以唔信我, 不過唔可以唔信你自己!".

為免混亂, 你可以話:

Whether you believe in me or not is not important, but you must believe in yourself.
2007-06-08 7:36 pm
you might not turst me, however you should believe in yourself!
2007-06-08 7:28 pm
up to you to believe, but you must believe in yourself.
2007-06-08 7:25 pm
你可以唔信我, 不過唔可以唔信你自己!
You can not belive me but you can't not belive yourshelf!

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