
2007-06-08 7:10 pm

例如...keep in touch果d呢.....

回答 (4)

2007-06-08 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Happy Everyday
Friendship forever
carry on
whatever you do where ever you go you will be my best friend forever
keep in touch
never give up
(girl) Wish you grow up will more Beautiful
友緣再見( 其實li 句唔係咁好 -.-")
開開心心say goodbye, 其實心裏want to cry, 各奔前程fly and fly, 我兩友誼never die
秋水清, 秋水明, 秋水難洗我兩友情

但如果你想你寫o個篇記念冊更突出, 更令人深刻難忘, 可因應每個人ge特性去寫
for example :

( o個個人頭髮長 ) 希望你的頭髮愈生愈長 ~ 長過萭里長城 !

又或者可以寫下心底話 ( 口語都無問題)
真係寫心底話o個D , 會令人特別深刻 ! ^^

2007-06-08 11:52:49 補充:
寫心底話~ 就係將你對佢ge 感覺都寫出黎, ( 唔好想歪了, 同love 係無關, 只係friend ge feeling) eg. (佢學業好) 一直以來, 你都在學業上有傑出表現, 這令我非常佩服! 希望你升上心儀的班別/中學/大學/ 希望你的將來充滿美好!

2007-06-08 11:53:06 補充:
( 常常都愁眉苦臉) 唔開心要講出黎, 唔好擺係心度啊! 有需要ge 話, 記得call 我, 我24小時on call ( 哈~講笑咋!) or 要永遠開心, 不要為鎖事而放棄! never give up! 十卜你

2007-06-08 11:53:49 補充:
( 你覺得佢好可愛) 好happy 識到你, 你好cute 呀, 好想 "mit" 你總之你覺得佢點, 照直寫就得ga la

2007-06-08 11:56:24 補充:
( 你覺得佢好可愛) 好happy 識到你, 你好cute 呀, 好想 "mit " 你總之你覺得佢點, 照直寫就得ga la
參考: 經驗
2007-06-09 4:09 am
Don't forget me!
(草率)Don't be careless any more!
(信教)God best you!
We are friend forever!
Remenber to call me!
You must miss me in all the time!

I hope can help you^.^.
參考: me
2007-06-08 7:37 pm
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
- Charles Caleb Colton

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out"
-Walter Winchell

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."
- Sent by Lysha

"Everyone is a friend, until they prove otherwise."
- sent by Steve

"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up."
- Bible: Ecclesiastes

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."
- (sent by Dior Yamasaki)

"A Friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!!!"
- (sent by Heather Tallent)

"Make new friends but keep the old, some are silver and others are Gold"

"I will speak ill of no man, and speak all the good I know of everybody."
- Benjamin Franklin
2007-06-08 7:13 pm
friendship forever
we are good friend
參考: 自己

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