Is umployment harmful ? *5分*

2007-06-08 11:30 am
Is umployment harmful ?

回答 (3)

2007-06-08 4:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
are u asking the econ. field?
actually , unemployment can be divided into willing and unwilling aspects.
if the one is willing and able to work ,but he/she cannot find any jobs, (unwillingness)
it cannot attain to the max. condition, and surely it ll be harmful to our society, because we cannot use our resources efficiently.But if we have thought all other conditions, it ll not be harmful, as we know , there are obstacles.
on the other hand, if the ones are willing to become an unemployee, he/she may not give harms to the society, because they ll find other jobs for better living .
Therefore, it ll not give harm to the society , but helping the society to use the resources more efficiently.
參考: my knowledge
2007-06-08 4:26 pm
To society, unemployment results in loss of output and income.
To individual, unemployment leads phychological costs and loss of work experience.
2007-06-08 12:53 pm
Prolonged unemployment cause you bend away from social norm and it doesn't only harm your life, but also your family.
參考: nil

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