Is Bath worthwhile visiting?

2007-06-08 12:59 am
My friends and I are going to England in July. We'll be there a total of around 5-6 days. We are staying in London and are considering day trips.

We have put scheduled a day trip out ot Bath. Other than the spa and the ancient Roman baths, I am not familiar with what sights to see. Is it worth going there for a whole day or are there other recommendations?


回答 (7)

2007-06-08 6:03 pm
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I definitely think so. I used to live in Bristol ( the next city over from Bath) and went to Bath often.

If you are a Jane Austen fan, the Museum of Costume is worthwhile, as the Assembly rooms are included in the ticket. These are rooms where the balls were held during her period of time.

The Royal Crescent is also a beautiful site to see, and there are many parks to wonder around in. There are also paths along the Avon river, which are great for a leisurely stroll.

The Pultney bridge is a favorite, which shops all along it. It's actually a beautiful view if you go down on the other side of the river from the main areas of bath.

And Bath abbey is spectacular. It's 500 years old (which for some abbeys, such as Salisbury, is actually pretty young), and the abbey itself is beautiful.

Bath also has some great shopping.

If you don't want to spend the whole day in Bath, Bristol is only about a 15 minute train ride away. You can't spend the whole day in Bristol, but it has a beautiful harbor front, and the downtown area/old city is a must see. There are also a lot of great pubs and restaurants near the center of the city.
2007-06-08 6:44 am
I took a day trip to bath a few year ago and will be returning when I go over this summer. The Roman Baths are worth the trip by themselves. It was so strange to think about the Romans using that very spot, and then the royalty that use to go and use the spa.

You can also buy a ticket that gives admission to the costume museum. I found this interesting - a variety of dress from different periods. Everything from former queen's garb to J.Lo's green dress with the plunging neckline.

There is also the Jane Austen Museum. Interesting if you like Jane Austen.

The train ride is pretty as well.
2007-06-08 3:31 am
If you're taking a train, Bath is a great day trip (you might even consider going further West to Bristol afterwards. You could stay at the Youth Hostel and go pub crawling at night). You can't skip Stonehenge, of course- and there's also Stratford, Canterbury, and Brighton.
2016-12-13 3:40 am
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2007-06-08 9:49 am
Is it worthwhile going to visit Bath...
How can I put this succinctly...
YES, YES, YES and YES...

For one it's the place of my birth and will always be close to my you could say that I am somewhat biased!
There is so much to see in Bath that I couldn't possibly do it justice so I am providing this link...
Just to say though that apart from the Baths and Pump Room you should take in the
Abbey Square
Pulteney Bridge and Weir (the bridge is one of few in the world to have shops on it)
Royal Victoria Park
The Crescent
The Circus
Take an open top bus tour and see the city from the top of Ralph Allen drive... a superb sight.
A trip on the canal
Get yourself to Bathampton and cross the toll bridge by the mill
More and more and more...just soak up the atmosphere that is prevelant in Bath...

BUT...if you are only going for a day trip then as an earlier answerer said, probably all your time will be spent in the Roman Baths alone....they are truly fascinating...there is a drain there that was built over two thousand years ago and it is still working now!

However long you go for and whatever you decide to see there, I hope you both have a truly memorable day out and can find it in yourself to return someday in the future....
Have fun!
2007-06-08 2:04 am
If you're going by bus, the trip to/from plus walking around in Bath will take up a good part of the day. If you're going by car, then consider going on to Salsbury area.

It is beautiful there, all of the stone facings of the buildings come from the same quarry.
2007-06-09 3:44 am
Absolutely, but I don't think I would spend more than a day. The baths are of course, a must. I also recommend taking the city tour on the double decker bus - they narrate it and provide some interesting historical facts. Bath also has some really quaint old bookstores. We got there mid-morning, spent the night and left early the next a.m. which turned out to be just right (the accomodations were pretty reasonable and decent there).

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