RuneScape muddy key

2007-06-08 6:27 am
RuneScape muddy key有咩用?

回答 (8)

2007-06-09 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
muddy key係一個chest key嚟架

Lava maze(wildy) lesser demon(lvl82)嗰到

muddy key最近價格大跌,本來值100幾k嘅 muddy key 已經變成幾10k
Mithril bar, Mithril dagger, Anchovy pizza, Uncut ruby, Law runes (2), Chaos runes (10), Death runes (2), and 50 gp

2007-06-09 11:54:53 補充:
muddy key係tradeable嘅(你見到噤多人喺varrock賣muddy keys就知啦)。muddy key雖然好多人都有,但係都算接近rare。

2007-06-09 11:59:18 補充:
記住,muddy key剩係可以用1次

2007-06-09 12:11:38 補充:
muddy key唔可以自己整,唔想打嘢都有muddy key,就用20k-50k買一個啦!muddy key裏面嘅嘢總值:1000(mithril bar) 500(mithril dagger) 180(anchovy pizza) 1000(uncut ruby sell to players) 2000(2 law runes) 1000(10 chaos runes) 600(2 death runes) 50=6350gp(6.35k)所以sell muddy key好過攞muddy key chest啲嘢
2007-06-14 3:31 am
開muddy chest 既!
參考: me
2007-06-12 7:53 pm
Muddy key

Street Price:1.0 - 2.0 K gp

Specialty Shop Sale Price/
High Alchemy Reward:0.0 gp

Not Member Item

No Quest

Stats Bonuses/Losses: None.

Requirements to Wear/Wield/Use:


Known Item Uses: Used to open chest near Lesser Demons inside the Lava Maze.




Use, drop, examine.
Respawn Location: None.

Dropped by:

Chaos Dwarf

Where Found:



Loot from chest: Mithril bar, Mithril dagger, Anchovy pizza, Uncut ruby, Law runes (2), Chaos runes (10), Death runes (2), and 50 gp. The key disappears after use.
Examine Info:

It looks like the key to a chest.

Actually no USE!!!!!!
2007-06-12 5:50 am
Muddy Key 係一條開 Lava Chest 既鎖匙,而 lava chest 係喺 45le wildy 既一個地方,好似個迷宮甘,所以叫 lava maze
開左個 chest 之後條鎖匙會自動消失,而個 chest 入面d 野就會比你
1 x uncut sapphire
2007-06-10 7:34 pm
Used to open chest near Lesser Demons inside the Lava Maze(31lv).

Loot from chest: Mithril bar, Mithril dagger, Anchovy pizza, Uncut ruby, Law runes (2), Chaos runes (10), Death runes (2), and 50 gp. The key disappears after use.
參考: , me
2007-06-09 7:02 pm
Item # 0683: Muddy key
Item Category:

Other Stackable:

No Tradable:

Street Price:

1.0 - 2.0 K gp Specialty Shop Sale Price/
High Alchemy Reward:

No Data General Shop Buy Price/
Low Alchemy Reward:

0.0 gp
Member Item:

No Quest:


Stats Bonuses/Losses:

Requirements to Wear/Wield/Use:

Known Item Uses:

Used to open chest near Lesser Demons inside the Lava Maze.
Item Effects:

Item Options:

Use, drop, examine.
Respawn Location:

Dropped by:

Chaos Dwarf

Where Found:


Loot from chest: Mithril bar, Mithril dagger, Anchovy pizza, Uncut ruby, Law runes (2), Chaos runes (10), Death runes (2), and 50 gp. The key disappears after use.
Examine Info:

It looks like the key to a chest.
2007-06-08 9:52 pm
it can go to lava maze,they are a closed chest,Use the key to the chest and you will get so,ething good,lf u want to kown more,you can go to can add me too,my account name's is bryan1122333(lv70),and Pker11knight(lv51)
參考: me
2007-06-08 6:30 am
it is a rubbish.....Lol

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