
2007-06-08 4:52 am
為什麼氫燃燒時會發生爆炸?(pop 一聲)

回答 (3)

2007-06-08 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為空氣中有氧氣,氫氣同氧氣 react 生成水。
H2(g) + O2(g) -> H2O(l)
個 reaction 係 highly exothermic, thermodynamically favourable
只係 O=O bond 同 H-H bond 需要能量去 break 先可以令 reaction 進行
kinetically inert, high activation energy
火就會提供 energy 去 overcome energy barrier
energy release 足夠令周圍既水份子蒸發
H2O (l) -> H2O (g)
如果大量既 water molecules差唔多同時蒸發就會 disrupt 左周圍既 molecules 既振動形成聲音,就係 pop 一聲。

唔係爆炸,爆炸只會在燃燒同大量氣體釋放同時進行時才會形成既現象。通常係化學反應釋出既能量大,導致燃燒,而且有大量氣體釋放而出現。一般既 hydrogen test tube test只會 pop 一聲而唔係爆炸。
2007-06-08 6:33 am
since the electron no. of H is 1, the lord god give this property to H and cause it to become explosive and flammable.
Who knows why? Just the innate feature of this element.
2007-06-08 4:58 am
lee d 叫爆鳴聲!!!

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