
2007-06-08 4:15 am
1. 當領袖生,服務同學表現優異

2. 嘉許狀

回答 (8)

2007-06-08 5:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) As a prefect, s/he serves schoolmates with outstanding performance

2) Certificate of Merit
參考: ME
2007-06-09 5:40 am
1. when the leader lives, the service schoolmate displays outstanding .

2. commends shapes .
參考: me
2007-06-08 7:33 pm
1. Fulfill the responsibility of a prefect leader and achieve outstanding performance in serving the students
2. Certificate of Excellence / Certificate of Merit
2007-06-08 5:39 am
As a prefect, ____ has performed his/her duties for the school and fellow schoolmates outstandingly.
certificate of commendation
2007-06-08 4:36 am
1. 當領袖生,服務同學表現優異

When the leader gets, the service classmate performs exceptionally wells

2. 嘉許狀

Praise a form
2007-06-08 4:34 am
1.As a student prefect ,should be outstanding in serving the schoolmates.

2.Commendable certificate
參考: 自己
2007-06-08 4:30 am
When the leader lives, the service schoolmate displays outstanding
領袖生:領袖生主要職責為協助老師維持學校的紀律及幫助需要協助的同學。 同時,領袖生自己亦能提昇個人修養和待人接物的行為和態度如誠實、有禮、勤奮、忍讓、友愛、合作等。
Commend shape
參考: 自己
2007-06-08 4:20 am
1. 當領袖生,服務同學表現優異:
When the leader lives, the service schoolmate displays outstanding
2. 嘉許狀
Commend shape

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