(emergency) maths equation form 1

2007-06-08 3:23 am
mary and ann will finish a piece of work in 3 days.Mary alone will finish it in 5days.How many days will Ann need to finish the work by herself?

please in detail

thank you

回答 (1)

2007-06-08 3:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let the speed of mary is x piece per day, the speed of ann is y piece per day. Total speed is (x+y) piece per day
Then we have
3(x+y)=1 (total work 1 piece)
On the other hand
Mary alone will finish it in 5days. So
From 5x=1, x=0.2. y is 2/15
The speed of ann is 2/15 piece per day
The days Ann need to finish the work by herself
=7.5 days

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