英文錯字 (快)

2007-06-08 2:50 am
1.They were lost their way.

2.The helicopter can not see them.

3.They want to helped.

4.They walking on the hill.


回答 (8)

2007-06-08 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.They had (have) lost their way.=They were lost .

2.The helicopter cannot/can't see them.

3.They want to help.(Better:They want to offer help)

4.They are (in present tense) walking on the hill.

thank! (It should be either thankS or thank you)

Actually when using "have +present participle" e.g have bought or "had +past participle" e.g.had bought , it depends on whether past tense or present tense is used in the whole passage.

English is not a very difficult subject or language to learn,all you need to do is speak more,read more and write more.Don't be afraid to make mistakes,you have to learn from the mistakes.
Hope that i can help you~~^-^
參考: Me , a F.7 student
2007-06-08 3:08 am
1.They lost their way.

2.The helicopter could not see them.

3.They want to help.

4.They were walking on the hill.
2007-06-08 2:59 am
They had lost their way
The helicopter cannot/can't see them
They want to help/ They want to be helped
They are walking on the hill/ They walk on the hill
參考: me
2007-06-08 2:58 am
全部是pass tense嗎?答案應是
1. They lost their way.
2. The helicopter could not see them.
3. They wanted help.
4. They were walking on the hill.
2007-06-08 2:57 am
1.They lost their way.
2.The helicopter cannot see them.
3.They want to help.
4.Theyare walking on the hill.

Hope I can help you!

2007-06-07 18:59:55 補充:
1.They had lost their way.2.The helicopter cannot see them.3.They want to help./They wanted to help.4.They are/were walking on the hill.
參考: me
2007-06-08 2:56 am
1. They lost their way.
2. The helicopter cannot see them.
3. They want to help/be helped.
4. They are/were walking on the hill.
2007-06-08 2:55 am
1.They were lose their way.

2.The helicopter can not saw them.

3.They want to help.

4.The are walking on the hill.

I hope it can help you,but no.1 and no.2 i am not sure.
2007-06-08 2:52 am
1. The had lost their way.

2. The helicopter cannot see them.

3. They want to help.

4. The are walking on the hill.
參考: me!

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