Will /going to/現在進行式

2007-06-08 2:36 am

Will / i am going to 點用/點分..老師講極我都唔明


回答 (2)

2007-06-08 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
All the three can be used for something that will happen in the future.

We use 'will' for something that will probably happen.
Example: The 2008 Olympic Games will be successful.

We use 'going to' for something that is decided to be done in the future.
Example: I am going to visit Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games.

We use present continuous tense for what someone has arranged to do in the future.
Example: I will be visiting Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games. I have already booked the tickets.
參考: My Father
2007-06-08 2:39 am

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