
2007-06-08 1:29 am
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2007-06-09 1:48 am
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簡單來說, 要看 south 和 southern 的分別, 應先從詞類入手.

1 a.) 當 South 是一個名詞 (noun) , 解作南方

The wind is blowing from the south. (普通名詞用小寫)
Hong Kong is located at the South of China. (某國或地方之南部要大寫)
1 b.) 當 South 是一個形容詞 (adjective) , 解作 南方的 或 來自南方的

A south wind is blowing. (來自南方的風)
The swing is in the south direction of the zoo. (在南面的方向)

2 a.) Southern 大部份時間都用作形容詞 (adjective) , 解作 南的 各 (方位)向南的

Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere. (南半球) [因整個是複合名詞要大寫]
They live in southern Australia. (澳洲南部, 要小寫)
Southern Cross (南十字星座) [ 因整個是複合名詞要大寫]
2 b.) 當 Southern 用作 名詞 (noun) , 通常都解作 南方人

They are Southern.
They are Southerner.

以上兩句都可以, 但一定要大寫.


^o^ ^o^ ^o^

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