enzyme 的問題。

2007-06-08 12:19 am
enzyme是一種protein,protease是enzyme的一種, 但是在人的身體中,protease會把proteins break down成peptides,那protease會否break down 自己呢??因為protease也是proteins嗎....

回答 (5)

2007-06-08 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Protease 是可以消化同樣屬 Protein 的 Protease 的,換言之,它可以自己分解自己。不過,在一般情況下,當胃內有 Protein 食物的時候,Protease 和其他 Protein 在胃內的濃度是相差甚遠的(留意:Enzyme 的高效率使非常少量的 Enzyme 可以分解大量的 Substrate),所以按 Substrate Concentration 來計,此時大部分的 Protease 都只會忙著分解其他 Protein,而不會分解 Protease,情況有點像 Competitive Inhibition。
2007-12-12 9:01 pm
Protease 是可以消化同樣屬 Protein 的 Protease 的,換言之,它可以自己分解自己。 How can you prove it? what is the evidence? Don't waffle..... protease has to break down the protein with specific structure and specific condition. So, a functional protease under NORMAL condition won't. They won't be THAT STUPID
2007-06-09 8:40 am
Protein, Protease都係一個總稱, 內裡有各式各樣唔同function的
enzyme 也有可能被break down, 但不會是和自己一樣的enzyme
因為enzyme 要recognize到佢specific要break down o既protein先會起作用
而break down o既地方, 主要o係active site 度

當然, 要詳細講, 會好長, 如果你真係有興趣, 不妨上網搜尋下
參考: 自己bio 知識
2007-06-08 3:29 am
Enzyme is a biological catalyst, it speeids up a cemical reaction but remains unchanged itself by the end of reaction.
Every enzyme has an Active site.Active site is the site that has a specific shape and is where the substrate ,with that specfic shape, can binds with the enzyme.Therefore each enzyme usually only acts on one substrate because of the enzyme's ACTIVE SITE.
so Protease will not be able to breakdown itself...as it won't fit into the active site.
2007-06-08 12:34 am
因為enzyme(eg.protease)有個叫做active site的東西同個substrates(protein)的active site去react,但係一個protease同第二個protease的active site係一模一樣的,當然不可合在一起,好像key同lock果個theory,key係enzyme,如果你話protease去break down 自己係咪je係話用一條key去開第二條key呢,當然就唔可以啦。
所以protease可以break down protein(除左佢自己)。

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