CFA vs CFP vs FchFP 何分別?

2007-06-07 11:55 pm
CFA, CFP 同FchFP, 它們的認授性如何?


回答 (1)

2007-06-19 11:13 pm
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現時主辦CFA考核計劃之投資管理研究協會(Association for Investment Management and Research,以下簡稱AIMR)1990年於美國成立,由Financial Analysts Federation(FAF)及Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts (ICFA)合併而成,於1997年於香港成立亞洲區辦事處。今期請來AIMR的Vice President - Global Affairs, Asia 李家麟為大家解答有關 CFA的問題。

Q01: 甚麼是CFA?

A:CFA是一個劃分專業投資從業員的機制,全寫為Chartered Financial Analyst。從業員需經過考核及評審,才會獲頒CFA資格。CFA有數個中文譯法(特許財經分析師、特許金融分析師、註冊金融分析師等),不過AIMR會方偏好使用英文稱呼,因為業內人士都清楚甚麼是CFA,使用中文反而容易引起混淆。

Q02: CFA的報考情況如何?

A: 今年全球有超過十萬名考生報名參加考試,當中香港報考人數佔7,173名,較去年增加12%,而中國之報考人數則升至1,652名,較去年上升332%,反映出CFA專業資格越來越受歡迎。

Q03: 哪些人適合報考CFA?


Q04: 成為CFA需要經過甚麼步驟?

A:登記參與CFA計劃後,順序報讀及通過三個階段的考試,累積最少三年相關的工作經驗,且專業操守達到要求,並成功申請AIMR及香港財經分析師學會(Hong Kong Society of Financial Analysts)會籍後,便可成為CFA。

Q05: 課程及考試有何特點?

A: 課程及考試分為三階段,每個考生每年只可報考一個階段的考試,通過了才可報考下一階段。因此,學生最少需要三年時間考試。考試主要量度考生應用投資原則的能力及專業操守。第一階段的課程及考試針對投資評價及管理的不同投資工具及概念;第二階段著重資產評價,第三階段則深入探討投資組合管理。

Q06: 報考CFA需要甚麼資格?

A: 只要擁有一個大學學士學位,無論是哪個學系畢業,均可報考CFA。

Q07: 考生若持有某些資格,是否能得到豁免?


Q08: 考生是否需報讀任何課程?


Q09: 甚麼機構會聘用CFA?





You may go to the official website if u want to have a better understanding:
http://www.cfainstit iewbk/site/whatis/wh atis.html
while the following is a brief summary..

First awarded in 1963, the CFA charter has become known as the designation of professional excellence within the global investment community. Around the world, employers and investors recognize the CFA designation as the definitive standard for
measuring competence and integrity in the fields of portfolio management and investment analysis.

The CFA Program’s self-study curriculum allows even the busiest investment professional to participate. The curriculum develops and reinforces a fundamental
knowledge of investment principles. The three levels of examination verify a candidate’s ability to apply these principles across all areas of the investment decision-making process. And the program’s professional conduct requirements demand that both CFA
candidates and charterholders adhere to the highest standards of ethical responsibility.
The CFA Program is comprised of three levels, each culminating in an examination. You must pass each level sequentially, and fulfill other requirements of the program, before
earning the right to use the CFA designation. In general, each level of the program requires 250 hours of preparation, although time will vary from candidate to candidate based on familiarity with the material. The Level I examination is composed of multiple-
choice questions, Level II is composed of item sets (multiple choice questions based on a common vignette), and Level III consists of essays and item sets.

http://www.cfainstit iewbk/site/whatis/wh atis.html

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