runescape key

2007-06-07 10:52 pm
runescape 多o左條「Wepon store key」,有咩用?

回答 (4)

2007-06-08 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
weapon store key=quest item(sheild of arrav)
係pheonix gang weapon store key(喺Blue Moon Inn南面嗰條路,hideout喺嗰條路嘅duegeon)

shield of arrav需要pheonix crossbows,所以要用weapon store key嚟開咗個weapon store

2007-06-07 17:11:27 補充:
得到嗰個key:殺johnny the beard,攞咗個scroll(要同Staven講嘢先,Staven喺hideout到),俾Staven(pheonix gang leader)
2007-06-14 7:12 am
add bobob813, 賣給我吧,好不好?在Varrock东南里面的一个门的key
2007-06-12 7:48 pm
For the quest ( Sheild of Arrav )


After you get both sheild ( from your friend {east or west gang} ):

I once got one part of a broken sheild and i thought too : if i can get the other half, then i'll have a sheild! But then i know, i was wrong. It is impossoble to make two broken sheilds together to a normal sheild. I know it is impossible because i tried it before.

The only use of the broken sheilds are to do the quest: Sheild of Arrav. To do this quest, you must find a partner to do it together to finish it. You can never do it by yourself, because you can't get the two pieces of broken sheilds. This quest is not too hard and not too easy.When you finish, each you and your partner will get a scroll, show it to the King in the Varrock palace, he will give you 600gp for your effort and as a reward.

2007-06-14 12:52:26 補充:
Remember to find your frined to do the quest
2007-06-08 12:48 am
我都有玩咖! add我: love1025
我係以前member 同 total lvl 13xx

你講既「Wepon store key」其實係 doing quest
既時候有既 ~

用處就係開 varrock 弓箭店既鐵閘 ,
開左之後就可以得到一個 broken shield .

希望幫到你 !

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