
2007-06-07 10:44 pm
1.Do you like swimming?Why?
2.Do you want to go to school when you have a cold or flu?Why?
3.Do yoiu like living in aplace with no trees?Why?

回答 (2)

2007-06-08 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I like swimming because it is good exercise for my body. Exercising is vital in staying healthy.
2. If I have a very bad cold or flu, I would prefer not to go to school because cold or flu are contagious and I could infect other people with my sickness.
3. No I would not like to live in a palce with no trees because trees absorbs all the carbon dixoide during the day and if there are no trees around, there is no fresh air for us to breathe.
2007-06-07 11:03 pm
1.I like swimmimg because it can help for myself and keep healthy.
2.I don't want to go to school when you have a cold or flu because it waste the engry.
3.I don't like living in aplace with no trees because if i living with some tree,the air will fresh.
參考: ME

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