
2007-06-07 8:21 pm
1. 買咩好
2. 分別幾錢
3. 係邊買



回答 (5)

2007-06-08 12:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can go to Paddy's Market in China Town (just underneath Market City) - it's only open on Thursdays till Sundays though. They have lots of stalls selling 'Aussie souvenirs' - eg. keyrings, letter openers (they're pretty nice), spoons, pins, flags, wallets, pencils, pens etc etc etc...you need to spend time and have a look to find something good. Walk into the market to have a look other stalls, you might be surprised! True there are alot of things that are made in China so you'd need to look carefully.
Otherwise for something a bit more expensive and often more Australian, go to the markets at The Rocks on Saturdays and Sundays. Mostly very Australian things like wooden crafts, food such as honey, nuts, paintings of the Opera House etc etc. Have a look anyways even of you're not buying.
Some are quite good quality and affortable. However, there's NOTHING under $1 Aust. in Australia anymore - we've come a long way from that era! At The Rocks, be prepared to spend about $20 at least for one item - sometimes you might be able to find cheaper but again, need time to find them. Oh, lots of tourists at The Rocks on the weekends so go there at around 10am but not too late...
And as someone already mentioned, China Town has quite a few stores selling souvenirs as well, mostly skin care products and health products. The skin lotions are usually around $6 Aust., those health products (vitamin pills and stuff) are about $20 and up. Be VERY careful there because some stores are hard-sell and will probably rip you off!
Hope that helps.
參考: Me - I live there
2007-06-08 5:04 am
1. 羊脂潤唇膏, 吾貴, 易擰, 人人合用; 大約AU$5--8; 隨街都有得賣

2. 百貨公司好似TARGET 咁可以買一些平平地既skin care products, 其中spa organics 呢個牌子都吾錯, 平平地, made in AU, 有hand cream, lip balm, 都係AU5, 6蚊, 仲有lotion都吾貴

3. 仲可以找到一些按摩油, 幾好用, 有平有貴, 平到5, 6 蚊都有, 貴既都係10零蚊

4. 也可以去wastson's找一下skin care products, 有平有貴, 其中有花香味既lotion 幾好

5. 平的小精品多數都係大陸製............算把啦, 不如去花園街買啦
2007-06-07 8:35 pm
澳洲特產, 手做糖, 是即做的, 好好味, 有大約20種味道, 好低!
2007-06-07 8:33 pm
參考: me..希望呢d意見岩你
2007-06-07 8:26 pm

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