2007-06-07 7:36 pm
Last night, my friend send me a file called 'see my private album' ,I received it and seems got a virus. All my list ppl also got it and I'm always hang the computer when use MSN, I haven't scan virus software and just have AVG free anti-virus but it not found the virus from my computer, how should i do?

回答 (1)

2007-06-07 9:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案

You should go the above link, and start the virus scan online.

According to my friends exprience,

that OneCare-Scan can detect the MSN virus.


you can use its functions to remove that virus from your computer.

Any questions or following problem, please feel free to ask me

My MSN is [email protected].

Hope that software can cure your computer's disease.

2007-06-08 06:57:10 補充:
Now, your MSN problem can't be detected and repair on using Virus-Scan software.I recommend you download a software, "360 safe", its engine can detect your computer any un-safe software , toolbar......I think it is a last weapon on that problem

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