How much should I get paid for babysitting a 6 year old?

2007-06-07 4:16 am
My first babysitting job consists of babysitting a 6 year old girl from 8AM to about 12PM but only because the father comes home at 12PM. But i still have to babysit her for 4 more hours. I'm only thirteen so i don't know if ten dollars a day is being scammed or what! lol help me!

回答 (11)

2007-06-07 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My Rates

1-2 kids ~ $5.00/hour
Each additional child ~ $1.25/hour

*When you are babysitting a baby under 10 months old, you should ask to be paid a bit more than your regular charge, since you must give more attention, change the baby, feed the baby, and put the baby to bed.
2016-05-19 9:04 am
I have an 11th month old- and I have a half-brother who is 10 years old. He helps babysitt when my son is at my parents house. The first time he helped, I got him a gift. It wasn't expensive ($9.00) but it was something I knew he would like. He's really into skatboarding and they have these mini collector skate boards that are actually kinda cool. So I got him a pack of 3 to add to his collections. Then, just a few nights ago, I was actually over there babysitting him for my parents, but he changed his first diaper- which he was totally scared to do. I made him to go Target with me to run errands, so I got him a set of Pokeman cards ($3.49) for changing the first diaper. I don't think I am going to start paying him cash for a little bit- just because he already gets an allowance, plenty of giftards, and for a $10 year old knows how to manage his $ almost better than I do as a 28 year old! I think the gifts we give him are fun for him and sort of meaningful- because he knows he got then for helping out.
2007-06-10 5:44 pm
yes you are being scamed minimum wage for 1 hr is 7.25 where i live so for 4 hrs you should get paid around 30$. But since you are younger you should get paid maybe 20$ a day.
2007-06-07 8:00 pm
It's pretty easy to take care a 6-yr-old. I think $10 is a bit less, now is 25.00 per day. Resonable price is $15.00 for half day.
2007-06-07 7:36 pm
honestly do you like the kid and enjoy doing it or just for the $ if $ ask for 15-20 because this is a good rate still where you are young. If you like spending time with the kid and its not too much hassle take the 10 and be happy.
2007-06-07 2:30 pm
2007-06-07 4:22 am
Alright well are you working for 8 hours a day!? Or 4 hours!?

If you work for 4 hours a day you're getting paid 2.50 an hour.
If you work for 8 hours it's 1.25 an hour.

I dont know where you live but minimum wage in Ohio 6.85.

I would say 5 dollars an hour is reasonable for one kid if you're a 13 year old.
2007-06-07 4:22 am
You should ask for douple that, $20 sounds a lot more fair.....if they where to send their child to a day care it would be $25 or more so, I think you are being scammed!
2007-06-07 4:20 am
$10 for 4 hours sounds right and you're only 13!!!!
2007-06-07 4:20 am
oh yah he is riping you off i would charge at least 25 a day!!

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