Why is it that all these religious people who are anti-science are also on the Internet?

2007-06-07 2:59 am
Are you all lukewarm in your beliefs or what? You bash science constantly and reject most of its findings, yet you have no problem using computers that wouldn't be in existence without science. Do you reject antibiotics and the internal combustion engine and modern agriculture as well? If you were really committed to your superstitious belief system you should.

回答 (20)

2007-06-07 3:02 am
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Science has nothing to do with computers. Al Gore invented computers and you're trying to give science the credit.
2007-06-07 10:01 am
because for them God made it!
2007-06-07 10:01 am
They should still be using papyrus.
2007-06-07 10:03 am
seriously they should lock themselves in a room and just study their bible.
2007-06-07 10:02 am
hypocrisy holds no boundaries....
2007-06-07 10:03 am
odd though that the catholic church is responsible for the scientific advancment for so many years
2007-06-07 10:08 am
Well, I have notice that they do with science as they do with the bible. Pick out the parts they want and ignore the rest, only with the science part they don't ignore it but say it's just a theory! I wish they would learn what a scientific theory is. Or hears an idea! Atheists are not afraid to read the bible or even study it. Couldn't Christians at least read about evolution and study it a bit so they would know what they are bashing? Because the questions I see show they don't know the 1 st. thing about evolution. Well, It's an idea. This editorial does not include all Christians.
2007-06-07 10:05 am
Because without science, we wouldn't have barely any technology today - cell phones, PDA's televisions, cars, iPods, ect.

Christians are so hypocritical when it comes to science, they say it cannot prove anything, yet they use it on a daily basis.
2007-06-07 10:04 am
Anything against what they are taught to believe is obviously too much for them to handle. They can't accept that we could all get along if we were to all be a little more tollerant.

That's why they call it "religious intollerance", not "scientific intollerance".
2007-06-07 10:03 am
yeah, they could never cut the mustard in the puritan or quaker communities. you know they really think god created science. that way they can participate in our evil science.
2007-06-07 10:05 am
the internet is another way to share my faith.....God Bless!
參考: .
2007-06-07 10:15 am
I'm Muslim, and Islam in fact encourages technology and science BECAUSE it has nothing to be afraid of (nothing can contradict the teachings of a true religion). the Quran has (i think, I'm not exactly sure about the number) about 1,000 verses of science.
2007-06-07 10:06 am
You seem to have some misconception about Christians. We have studied science in school. We admire the luminaries and are fascinated with how things grow and work. Science is connected to our health and well being. Our lives are touched by it every day.
But we choose to give credit to God for placing all the matter here for scientists to work with.
We choose to believe that mankind was started with God forming our human ancestors.
We can be enthused by the way a motor works and love God at the same time.
Balance is the key.
2007-06-07 10:05 am
My goodness you sure have a strange opinion about people who happen to believe in God. Our God is the creator of all things, therefore we have every right to enjoy all things. Including computers. I personally don't bash science, it has brought many good things to humans. However, I don't have to agree with everything, after all,that would be like being a robot, wouldn't it?
2007-06-07 10:02 am
THAT is funny! Great point. I've never thought of it like that, but true true.
2007-06-07 10:03 am
God gives man intellect.

try reading "How the Catholic Church built western civilization"

included the rise of modern science and univerities!
2007-06-07 10:19 am
Religious people are not necessarily anti-science. Some of them are but most of them are not. You confuse evolution with science. Most of science does not deal with evolution. The theory of evolution is just that, a theory, an idea, a hypothesis that some people believe and many people don't. It's the atheists' creation myth, if you will. Many scientific people who have studied the evidence don't believe in evolution. It's not just brainwashed religious nuts that question it, if that really accurately describes men and women of faith. Some of the best scientists of all time were Bible-believing Christians, like Galileo, Isaac Newton, and George Washington Carver, just to name a few. We only reject scientific findings if they don't match up with the Scriptures. There have been many times when science appeared to conflict with the Bible but then the scientists had to change their minds and admit that the Bible was correct. For instance, in the 1700's it was thought that if you were sick, that meant you had bad blood. In order to cure you, doctors would put leeches on you to suck the bad blood out. This is what killed George Washington. If they had read their Bible and believed it instead of their own personal theory, they would've known that the life of the person is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). Also, how do you value people if they're nothing but chemicals that evolved over time? Kind of the way Adolf Hitler did.
2007-06-07 10:11 am
I guess that means only Amish people are "true believers".

I'm glad I'm a heathen.
2007-06-07 10:03 am
I don't bash science. I have an open mind.
2007-06-07 10:09 am
Yea, thermonuclear bombs wouldn't be in existence if not for science, but I don't see you making a case against that. What are YOU doing in a website for believers, hmm?

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