Did you know that Jesus was not a good looking guy?

2007-06-07 2:53 am
I always assumed that Jesus would be this handsome, handsome guy on the outside. However, today in bible study I learned that He was good looking. Isaiah 53 describes him.

I grew up as a catholic but I was never taught about how He looked.

Did anyone else know this?

sorry i made a mistake i meant to say, " I earned Jesus was not a good looking guy"


learned not earned, i need to stop typing so quick.


Amen Rachel, This was just a new interesting fact I learned today. The priest was just trying to teach us about how great God is. love has nothing to do with looks.


no, cynic. not a racist.


my point is that real beauty and love is in the inside. did u get that blondie?


what he looked like is not important but i am sure u have all wondered the same thing?

回答 (20)

2007-06-07 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Jesus was/is sinless, which is TRUE beauty.
2007-06-07 2:59 am
It just goes to show that its what on the inside that counts...
2007-06-07 2:58 am
what's your point..The important thing is that he's our SAVIOR... don't miss the point.
2007-06-07 2:57 am
I don't think it really matters what Jesus looked like. I'm just happy he died for me. How many other people can you say actually died to save you?
2007-06-07 9:17 am
Yes! Jesus was not good looking because of the sacrificial suffering he underwent for us all. Yet he is the most handsome and beautiful inwardly because He is the only way to the Kingdom of God
參考: Isaiah 53:3-5 , John 10:1-18
2007-06-07 3:05 am
Yeah, but he made up for it by being totally ripped! Every time I look at him hanging on that cross I think, "wow, Jesus must have done MAD situps!) And I also think "Owww!
2007-06-07 3:04 am
Yes, the Bible describes Jesus as very homely (which is actually the polite way of saying he was ....ummm....yeah....not good looking is the best way to put it).

The pictures you see of Jesus are the midevial interpretation of what they felt he would look like with heavy influence from Micheal Angelo.

We know by studying history that as an unmarried Jew, Jesus would have been clean shaven. Not bearded as pictures portray. We also know that as the son of a carpenter, he was apprentaced as a carpenter. A carpenter would have been a large muscular man, not a thin man like is also shown in the pictures.

To get an accurate image, imagine a middle easterner, give him a not so attractive face, keep him clean shaven and muscular. That is more of an accurate image of what our saviour would have looked like.

I also want to say that I don't think it's wrong to be shocked when you have grown up with an image of our Lord only to find out that is has been a false image. It's not wrong to say he was unattractive, it's just a fact that the bible tells us. It does not change our love and adoration for him. As a history buff, I hope my answer helped you get a more accurate image.
2007-06-07 3:00 am
I learned that a while ago,
but honestly, i dont think it matters what he looked like.
he is a savior, and he died for us to live.
2007-06-07 3:00 am
does being a savior require that you look beautiful.

its the same mentality people have when they feel people drest in casual clothes shouldnt be allowed in church, makes no logical sence to me
2007-06-07 3:00 am
I have the understanding that Jesus was not overly good looking. He came to this world to do one thing to save mankind all else is in material.
2007-06-07 2:59 am
Yes, I believe the text if I remember correctly states that he was such that none would desire him. I don't think that it means that he was ugly but rather very plain,nothing special that would attract the opposite sex.
2007-06-07 2:59 am
This is true, did you ever notice that when attacked and Jesus Hid Himself from the crowd one of the ways perhaps He did that is because He looked so much like everyother person that He just blended in, it was and is NOT what Jesus was on the out side but The Fact as it says in Heb.1:5-9, Heb.13:8, John 1 that Jesus was GOD in flesh and it was what was on the inside that made Him stand out not without, find out more free bible lessons www.amazingfacts.org God bless talk to me also [email protected] just put yahoo answers in the subject line.
參考: The Holy Bible
2007-06-07 2:58 am
He probably didn't smell too good either. People didn't do a whole lot of bathing back then.
2007-06-07 2:59 am
who cares if he was or not. he was a modest, humble, and honest man. that is all that matters. and no one knows how he looks. the bible was written after jesus (pbuh) left this earth. and the bible has been changed and rewritten. no one will tell u this but if u do ur homework u will find the truth.
2007-06-07 2:58 am
I think you need to find a new bible study class. What an awful thing to say about our Savior. True, looks don't matter as much as the heart, and Jesus had a huge one, but that's just wrong to say that about Him.
2007-06-07 3:11 am
Is he really,just because the bible states this do you really believe that......What I would like to know is what you believe..
Does it matter anyway,I believe in truth, truth is the truth end of story..Jesus is was a lovely guy....still is I know, he is my ROCK....Please, some advice...learn from the past but dont get stuck in the past.......be NOW..in the PRESENT.....the present is our gift from God enjoy it.....nuff said.....
2007-06-07 3:12 am
I don't get your point.
2007-06-07 2:58 am
Why? Cause he was middle eastern? You are racist
2007-06-07 2:57 am
wtf who cares baby girl?

whether hes hot or not, hes just a man
2007-06-07 2:57 am
He just had a bunch of guy friends anyway. And one hanger on chick.

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