why does everyone that isnt a christian have to mock us.?

2007-06-07 2:41 am
i mean seriously, wtf is with you all? wondering if jesus can shove a watermelon up his bottom.. its so ignorant. like all you have to do all day is sit around and mock us. but, my point is, why do you do it? we have the freedom to believe what we want, but give us some respect. you hardly see christians making fun of people who do magic and blow themselves up to please their gods. i know that our religion isnt very believable, but its called FAITH. believe what you want, but just STAY OUT OF OUR BUSINESS. STOP MOCKING US it gets on my nerves SO MUCH when you ignorant people mock us like that. i mean seriously. i'd really like to know, just, WHY?

回答 (31)

2007-06-07 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
The devil is behind it. The unbelievers are but mere pawns in the whole scheme of things in this spiritual warfare we wage. Keep battling and don't lose hope, faith, or love. Peace be unto you and God bless you.
2007-06-07 2:46 am
I'm only saying this because I care:

There are many decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing...
2007-06-07 2:45 am
If you seriously believe that you hardly ever see Christians mocking other religions, then I have a bridge to sell you.
2007-06-07 2:46 am
Gay people have been asking Christians to do the same thing for years now with no luck.
2007-06-07 2:50 am
Oh please Miss Holier than Thou. Today a question was asked what an atheist would do if they found a floatie in their blood of innocents! And what did I, an atheist, do?
I went with it. Why? Becuase I have a sense of humor and if you let the jerks get to you they only do it more.
And please. Kindly remind your fellow Christians that the street goes both ways. Stay out of everyone else's business too!
BTW- Today I was called no less than 15 dirty names by people I don't even know, ALL of them profess faith in Jesus Christ!
2007-06-07 2:51 am
If you would actually stop crying for a moment and reflect on what your religion has done, you'll be able to answer your own question. Since the third century C.E. (that's Common Era, used in the place of A.D., in case you didn't know), people have enslaved, murdered, raped, pillaged, and otherwise molested countless people and destroyed civilizations in the name of Christianity. I'd say you've earned it.
參考: Atheist.
2007-06-07 2:47 am
probably because

a) you assume that "everyone" who isn't christian is like this, which makes you judgemental
b) it gets you all riled up which is funny and just fuels the fire

and to that effect, why do christians mock any and all religions that aren't the same as theirs? why do certain denominations mock others?

oh, and i love how you just admitted that your own religion isn't believable. i think you misunderstand what faith means. it means going "well that makes sense and explains some thing, so even though there's no proof, i choose to accept this explanation" it does not mean "wow, that's crazy unbelievable, but whatever, i'm an idiot so i'll believe it anyway." then again, in your case, that's exactly what it means.
2007-06-07 2:50 am
Well, I don't know about others. But for me, I don't really hate Christian until some of them come up to me and say "You are going to hell cuz you believe in devil".
參考: Christian Brainwashing schedule
2007-06-07 2:46 am
I think people mock you to get a reaction. Like the one that just occurred when you typed out your question.
2007-06-07 3:00 am
Other's don't mock you, you choose to be mocked. Why do you allow yourself to be mocked? It's like respect. You can't disrespect the person who can't be disrespected.
2007-06-07 2:59 am
Are you saying Jesus can't stick watermelons up his bottom? I read somewhere he could.

Tell me I'm going to hell or say that I can't do something 'cause some 2000 year old fictional book says so, and yeah, I'll mock christianity.
2007-06-07 2:48 am
oh if i say jesus is so fking fake and all christians are hypocrites, why do you have to disagree with me? it hurts... WHY??????????
2007-06-07 2:45 am
as the poet said "there are some things in life that mock alone pretty well"...we dont mock you we just laugh...you and you alone do all the mockery
2007-06-07 2:45 am
Some people just need lives, they've got nothing beter to do in their free time so they go around trying to make other people feel bad or just piss em off for laughs...
2007-06-07 3:10 am
I'm sorry... did I read that right? Is a Christian asking me why I don't stay out of her business?! Are you kidding? Believe me, my dear... If you Christians would keep your ridiculous superstitions out of my life, I would happily refrain from ever publicly making any insulting comments about your faith. But the reality is that Christians are constantly insulting me (and everyone who isn't Christian) by trying to convert me. Consider this: You try to pass laws to force my child to pray in school. You knock on my door and try to hard-sell me. You shove pamphlets in my face at concerts and sporting events. You try to ban crucial life-saving scientific research (stem cells). You lobby my elected lawmakers to legislate your personal religious beliefs so that I have to live by them. You even managed to get your absurd religious slogans printed on money and inserted into the pledge of allegiance.
And you have the gall to tell ME to leave YOU alone?! How dare you?
2007-06-07 2:50 am
Because Christians seem to be the only sect that wants to push their beliefs on to others.
They try to get laws passed that are based on their religion and have no relevance in reality.
They promote hate of those that do not follow their beliefs.
Lastly, they post questions on this forum that 'bait' others, especially atheists.
It is your business to believe in a fairy tale.
No one would bother you if you kept your delusions to yourself.
Sorry, it may seem harsh, but this is the reality.

BTW- did the watermelon fit?
參考: Devout Fundamental Atheist
2007-06-07 2:48 am
Jesus said they will mock you because they mocked me first. the servant isn't better than the master. the same kind of people asked Jesus that same kind of questions.
2007-06-07 3:18 am
Don't let it get to you. The Bible is very clear that Christians will be persecuted. Included in the definition of "persecute" is harass, annoy, and pester. Very few Christians in the U.S. are suffering any serious persecution (as in injury or affliction). The Bible says we should rejoice in it (1 Peter 4:13, 14). And don't expect to be respected. Just try to respond in a Christlike manner, "speaking the truth in love."(Ephesians 4:15). I'm preaching to myself as well. God bless you. P.S. Pray for them. Another P.S. The ones that are hardest to love need it the most.
2007-06-07 2:47 am
Katie....It is God that they are "really" mocking...He is not deaf and is taking names. Jesus said :"If they hated me,they will hate you also".....

....But i agree with you totally....some of the questions are way over the edge ignorant and Blasphemous... in addition .I believe this forum to be host to many younger teenagers...
2007-06-07 2:48 am
i am so glad to hear that from you!
its totally true! Ppl ask such rude questions, like "what video game do you think Jesus might be playing right now?" Its so blasphemous!
參考: christian woman, 21 years
2007-06-07 2:50 am
First of all...who is us?
Secondly, why are you so paranoid.
And then finally- I am a Roman Catholic and my God says "When you pray, pray silently". I mock no one. And allow all others to believe what they wish. That is God's way and will. I am sorry if you have encountered people who would be cruel to you based on what you believe. I do not.
2007-06-07 3:29 am
peaple always have to be right and if somone has somthing to so say,they have to be ugle about it i think its just there way of saying that were rong and they are right
2007-06-07 3:09 am
let me explain...when christians feel the need to proselytize all day and night to anyone who does not believe the same as them...it gets to be very similar to an attack...an attack on what we have chosen for our lives...i don't want anyone praying for me to a god i don't believe it...it is an absolute insult...i don't want to hear scripture from a book i believe is nothing but a story book to make people live by laws in the only way the people of that time knew how to do...i don't care what you believe...as a matter of fact i have supported several people in their beliefs even though i don't share them...because i know it is what makes them the people they are...it makes them whole and i am not about taking that away...if i could only get the same respect from christians...believe me i have lived long enough...believed in enough things...and learned through my life what i see as the truth...i am not bothering you...let me live without your prayers or scripture please...
2007-06-07 2:50 am
Hello and note someone else folks have mocked, in
Matthew 27:29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put [it] upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews! We are not any different and because they mocked Jesus they "WILL" mock you but thats great because if your accounted to take that from folks you should not feel bad but rejoice that you are accounted worthy of that, find out more free bible lessons www.amazingfacts.org talk to me also [email protected] God bless
參考: The Holy Bible
2007-06-07 2:47 am
Remember the president talking to the alien in the movie " Independence Day "? The president asked the alien, " what do you want from us "? The alien said, " die ". So, you should be glad that most of these people just mock. I think your delusions will drive us to put you to the sword.
2017-01-11 6:17 am
You question is exciting and valid. i replaced into raised a Christian and that i will in common terms assist you to comprehend what God potential to me and desire that it solutions a number of your questions. As a infant and youthful teen I heard the thoughts of the bible and approximately God and confident, I did settle for them simply by fact it replaced into how i replaced into raised. It replaced into no longer till I went off to varsity and had different life studies (the two actual and non secular) the took all of those thoughts I heard as a infant and made them actual. As a Christian, there's a bounce of religion you soak up believing that God sent his in common terms son to shop me (and you) from our sins. yet i comprehend that on a non secular point I certainly have experienced God. when I study and meditate I income extra expertise. Are there issues I question? each now and returned, yet i comprehend that God is actual, he's replied my prayers, guided me and comforted me while i replaced into in worry. i've got faith that Jesus is the son of God, that he died on the pass for my sins and rose returned after 3 days. the final element is that we the two have the loose will to settle for or reject Christ in our lives. The rewards for accepting are salvation and an eternal life (religious). i assume it incredibly is it :) i visit desire to your persevered expertise of Christianity and desire that I certainly have in some way began to start answering a number of your extensive questions...God Bless.
2007-06-07 10:57 pm
The Bible says "GOD IS NOT MOCKED", For what-so-ever a man Soweth, THAT shall HE ALSO REAP!!
Jesus said: "THEY Hate Me, and they Will also Hate YOU because of me. " " But I Will Bless You! " So, I do believe that Some people are gonna be Mighty Surprised and so Sorry Someday, Very Soon. I Will ASK GOD To Have Mercy ON YOU> + + +
2007-06-07 4:04 am
As a Christian I understand exactly how you feel but, remember Jesus too was mocked. I think we should remember to glorify God through it all. Glorifying God means to put His character, His will, and His ways into action in all that we do. The apostle Paul reminded us that we " are being transformed into Christ's image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord " (2 Cor. 3:18). The purpose of our lives is to let others see what God is like as they watch and experience His love through us. What a profound privilege it is to mirror God's love, mercy, grace, justice, and righteousness to a world whose heart is " veiled " to God's truth! (3:11-18). Our purpose is to show others less of us and more of Him. That's living on purpose with a purpose!
So let our lips and lives express
The holy gospel we profess
So let our words and virtues shine
To prove the doctrine all divine. - Watts
2007-06-07 3:07 am
All right, dear, first point:

WTF isn't exactly Christian to say, is it?

Second point:

There are immature people everywhere, and questions like this won't change them, unfortunately. You're only giving them more opportunities to act stupidly.

Third point:

"you hardly see christians making fun of people who do magic and blow themselves up to please their gods"

Where in the world did you come by that belief? I've seen PLENTY of people who call themselves Christian do exactly that and worse. I'm sorry, but if you were actually paying attention in this category to anything but "Jesus" and "Christian" questions, you would realize that there are plenty of so-called-Christians out there bashing other religions, even if the question had absolutely NOTHING to do with Christianity whatsoever and they have no idea what they're talking about because they never bothered to look it up and just assumed that anything non-Christian is evil and laughable.

Fourth Point:

If Christians want people to stay out of their business, as you put it, maybe they should follow one of their own folk sayings and "practice what they preach." It seems that the Christians who are the worst at doing that are the ones who get the most upset when they are given as little respect as they are giving. I'm not aware if you are one of those, but I figured I'd try to break through your naivete if you're not and point out a fact that you can see all over this category if you just open up non-Christian questions.
Fifth point:

I hate to tell you this, but the people who get the most frustrated with Christians usually aren't ignorant of Christianity. All too often, they are the children who couldn't take the hypocrisy all around them and got out to find something that would actually help them to be happy in life. Yes, Christianity can do that, but all too often in this modern world the only examples are bad ones, ones that don't actually follow the teachings of the man Jesus--such as love your neighbor, for instance, or do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This makes people bitter, even those who WEREN'T raised Christian. But you are naive, yet again, if you just assume that none of us know anything about Christianity. That is, after all, the definition of ignorance--complete lack of knowledge on a subject. My own father was a Southern Baptist minister and one of the reasons I, myself, am no longer Christian. You might want to think on that and the way that people who call themselves followers of Christ treat each other before you start chastising those who are not for treating Christians badly. Not that I think that they should, unless they are being disrespected and only to the person disrespecting them, but people can develop unreasonable attitudes towards what they see as threats. Look at yourself, for example. I'm not a Christian, and I'm not mocking you, simply trying to explain, but you grouped me in with the rest of your stereotype.

Sixth point:

Unfortunately, there are a lot of antagonistic people out there, and it seems like a great majority of them are here in R&S. I think it's because they're drawn to controversial topics. I originally came here to see if there were decent questions about my religion, Wicca, but stayed in order to defend it from people like you are describing--Christian ones. If you intend to keep visiting here, my advice would be to avoid the "stupid" questions--unless you're the kind that likes to get a good laugh out of them! That's what I try for these days, anyway.

Blessed be.
2007-06-07 3:24 am
katie, u should handle it the christian way.

just forgive and move on.

ignore the rude answerers. they just tempting u so that u can get mad and rant. so that way they can turn around and say how aggressive we christians are.
參考: baptist, christian
2007-06-07 3:08 am
They angered you didn't they, and this was their goal. They achieved their goal!
It's hard to do but you must ignore them, they are full of anger and hate, don't let them breed anger and hate within you.

If it is any consolation try to remember this:
"Silence, can be very deafening."

Some hate the fact that they are having scripture thrown at them constantly. Scripture will not satisfy someone that has no faith. Being born again is an issue with them also, for they don't know why they were born in the first place.

I have tried to tell all Christians that the teachings of Jesus are not being practiced as he ask, and no one will listen to me. Jesus shall return as promised, and what shall he have to tell them. I'm glad that I have been allowed to see the light and not force my path on anyone. And the same applies to Atheists that try to destroy mans faith.
參考: Do you understand the meaning of "Silence can be very deafening"? A Sufi Friend..........

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