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Especially in winter, it helps to keep my buns warm.
And in the summer - well you have to be a lady to understand.
to slow down the strip poker game.
One word.
Now do you get it?
Underwear are usually made from softer material than clothing (blue jeans for example). Underwear keep the rough material on clothing from irritating sensitive areas.
So if you have any accidents, it wont get on your clothes....or for girls it holds their pads, etc.
To cover a reproductive organ.
Well I don't know about other people but underwear stops jimmy and the boys from jingling and jangling and it's sanitary too.
Sometimes it's more comfortable than not wearing it.
Give you little added protection guys look great in undies most time I prefer to wear a jockstrap.
i don't
i don't see the point either.
it stops the chafing of most pants and prevents and nasty stains after restroom visits
So your not rubbing against the rough jeans...duh. =]
Also so you don't feel the wind beneath your wings ;]
When that fart is not a fart you need something to catch it.
That question has plagued me my whole life, personally i hate the damn things, it really irks my girlfriend that i refuse to wear the damn things AT ALL.
Underwears are worn for a variety of reasons: warmth, comfort and hygiene being the most common. Underwears
are often used for modesty or erotic display; sometimes both of these motivations are simultaneously present.
Hygiene is a major reason for the use of undergarments. It is usually more acceptable to have a soiled pair of undergarments than a pair of soiled trousers when one has an accident.
參考: Yahoo Search, Wikepedia
For me, stops the chaffing. Really hate those testicular callouses! Plus, it really absorbs a lot of sweat, oils and odor that might otherwise make themselves known and evident in my outer clothing.
Well, I like the feeling of silk when I'm stuck in a boring class and wearing uncomfortable clothing. I also like how it looks when I get dressed and I resemble Marie Antoinette under my clothes.
Call me strange.
good question!! i wear underwear to keep everything in place nice and warm,
LOL, I think about that a lot too! I have no idea why we do. I think it all started with the Lion Cloth ;)
something to do with girls reproductive system
go ask mom
What's the point of you writing and posting this question? What made you type the words and post it online?
changing underwear everyday is easier than changing jeans everyday
for sanitary and safety reasons, and orivacy
when jeans get to tight... the underwear is the only separating pain from lesser pain.
so your "bits" do not show thru your outerwear