And another question about God?

2007-06-07 2:28 am
ok why is it that the bible sounds like a mythological story. I mean walking on water, rising from the death,born from a virgin. I think the best proof about Jesus and God are those dead sea scrolls. Do you agree with me?

it's also strange like if someone gay is a good person they'll be killed. I'm not sure i should stay Christian anymore.


Rachel, your a *****


Rachel, your a biyotch

回答 (24)

2007-06-07 2:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
You mean Isaiah that says the Messiah would be born of a virgin and atone for sin? Yes that's pretty convincing! Though it is the same word of God we have today which is nothing but the truth.
2007-06-07 9:33 am
the dead sea scrolls are the Old Testament only. the New Testement confirms the old and the Old is but a shadow of the New.
2007-06-07 9:33 am
The Dead Sea Scrolls simply authenticate some of the old testament writings.

They do little or nothing else.

The new testament records the fulfillment of the old testament in the person of Jesus Christ.

Much better!
2007-06-07 9:32 am
not really no. as a christian i dont look for proof . i have proof as i have seen an angel but since you most likely would not belive that it is not helpfull to you .
2007-06-07 9:31 am
no im a christian so i dont believe what you are saying.
2007-06-07 10:10 am
Well partially, The Dead Sea Scrolls did contain the complete book of Isaiah who just happened to Prophesize the coming of Christ over 700 years before He was born.

btw you are confusing mythological with supernatural.
2007-06-07 9:51 am
"I'm not sure i should stay Christian anymore."

By the text of your question you are not one now.

Main Entry: 1Chris·tian
Pronunciation: 'kris-ch&n, 'krish-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin christianus, adjective & noun, from Greek christianos, from Christos
1 a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

You call yourself Christian yet you deny His teachings.
2007-06-07 9:44 am
I will try and answer both of your questions. Much of what is true, but seems like a fairy tale often has to do with the fact of how much it has been tainted with and chewed up by society. You know I bet back when WWII was happening, no one would ever make a jokes about how devastating it was or how great the tragedies throughout the war were. Yet, now we see comics about it, about the Nazi's and Americans saying things that are meant to be comical. In a sense, you could say it's original value and intended purpose has been distorted by those who can not find a commonality or relationship with that event. Likewise, when people see stories like that in the bible, they mock them or reject them because they can't find any good reason to really believe them, mostly because in their mind, it has nothing to do with them. Yet I tell you the truth, the majority of the accounts that are able to be scientifically proved in the bible have been. Hands down. Much of why it seems so fake is because generations who have heard the same stories about the bible you have, have been exposed to those who mock the idea because they cannot come to terms with it. Yet, that's makes no evidence that it is false. I tell you the truth, the bible is THEE only major book in the world that does not in any way, shape or form, contradict itself by any means, and has never been proved wrong.
2007-06-07 9:44 am
Whoa. Ease up ladies. This is a courteous, legit question. So I think she expects a similar response of the same tone.

My answer is... I agree with Hey, Ray.

God Bless you!
參考: HG JC
2007-06-07 9:31 am
The truth is usually quite plain and unattractive but we always prefer unreal over real.
2007-06-07 9:47 am
No, you shouldn't be a Christian. You seem far too bright and inquisitive to be one. To be a Christian seems to require a certain self-enforced denial of reality which I suspect would be difficult for you.
I do agree that there is probably content in the Dead Sea Scrolls that would be very damaging to modern religious institutions. That's why the Scrolls have been hidden away from public consumption by the religious establishment.
2007-06-07 9:40 am
No. You need to see with spiritual eyes before the pieces fit together. Without understanding, Christianity will seem like mythology.
2007-06-07 9:34 am
God had to get people's attention but doing miracles that people couldn't pass off as everyday things. The people had to know that Jesus was Lord and not just another prophet. Also, Jesus had to have risen from the dead in order to free us from our sins. That was the only way that we could get to heaven is if Christ died in our place and then rose again-defeating death and Satan.
God also wanted to make sure people knew Christ was different then any other child by having Him born from a virgin. Also, He had to have been born from a virgin to fulfill the prophecy given about His birth.

God bless
2007-06-07 9:33 am
i don't think there is any proof for jesus and god at all.

but you're right, good people shouldn't go to "hell," no matter what orientation they are.
2007-06-07 9:33 am
Yeah, I really like the dead sea scrolls... but there's a reason for the bible to read like it does. Because the metephorical and spiritual meaning behind the stories are just as important as the physical and literal. (btw... literal doesn't always mean "more real").
參考: Referring to your "gay" comment, I'm a christian and I have gay friends. They are some of the sweetest people in the world. G-d is perfect and just, yes. But Jesus knows none of us are perfect. He died for everyone, all we have to do is to love Him and believe Him.
2007-06-07 9:35 am
I can say this atheist (as yourself it seems) really are stupid. Do you not have anything better to type about? Is being atheist really that boring? Make your little, incompetent brain think of something better. Then maybe you'll get a logical answer. If that isn't to hard for you to understand.
2007-06-07 9:33 am
dude serioudly my christian friends BELIEVE it, it just sounds so unbelievable to me, but i guess thats what happen when youre brainwashed your entire life.
2007-06-07 9:31 am
2007-06-07 10:00 am
Sweetie, you sound like an intelligent person, why would you need religion to tell you what to do with your life, from the way you sound, you're more than capable of making your own future.

And for clarification, read the entire bible form Genesis to Revelations, and you'll realize that all reigions are essentally mythology tales, no exception for the bible.
2007-06-07 9:35 am
Well, I think that best proof that the Bible is a work of fiction comes from reading it, then comparing the different books to the social and historical context at the time.

It is a mythological story. The stories of Jesus were influenced by Pagan myths about death and resurrection, and some books were kept out of the Bible when it was set up in the third century A.D.

There is simply no way to support the Bible as a divine work, unless one enjoys it for emotional reasons. And even that does not prove that the historical Jesus is anything like his biblical counterpart.

But come to your own conclusions, of course.
2007-06-07 9:34 am
The dead sea scrolls only prove that the myth was written on those scrolls. There are older myths written on parchment and animal skins.
2007-06-07 9:32 am
All of those stories already existed in other religions. Check out Horus, Krishna and others. It is recycled.
2007-06-07 9:31 am
if stories were boring then no one would care
2007-06-07 9:32 am
because it is a mythological story. walking on water, rising from the dead, born from a virgin. puh-lease.

dead sea scrolls? those scrolls *contained* pages from the hebrew bible. I don't see the difference.

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