Is god real?

2007-06-07 2:12 am
Well i dont think so but if you have some expirences with him PLEASE tell me im on my own now and cant decide what to belive. Im heading towards no with what i belive now.

回答 (29)

2007-06-07 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Well, I don't think a bunch of comments from believers and non-believers will help you at this point. Just sit with yourself and wonder out loud how everything around you came to be. The stars in the sky, the moon, the planet, I mean... it's pretty obvious to me that God is responsible for it. But I don't need to push my beliefs on you. If you're on your own, you can decide on your own. :)
2007-06-07 9:21 am
It's all true. My proof is just that. It's a relationship thing and you must find your own. For what it's worth, however, yes - God is very real.
2007-06-07 9:20 am
Please email me and I can help you with anymore questions that you have. I have had many experiences, the first one was when I asked Jesus into my heart. Only the people that have been saved will know what I'm talking about, but it is a peace like you have never known. I have been born again for 13 years now and there hasn't been a day go by that I haven't had the same peace. If you need more help email me you can email me or im me through my profile.
2007-06-07 9:20 am
now God is real. trust me he has done 2 many things.
2007-06-07 9:19 am
God is real. He is a fact. nomatter how you feel, no matter what you believe in or do, He is still there. He exists.

boy don't worry. say this prayer, "Lord Jesus, i don't really know if You are there. but help me please. show me the Way. forgive me of my sins. i invite You into my heart. in Jesus Name.amen."

He wants to help you in everything that you do. guide you in your ways, give you peace in troubled times, love you, give you grace in time of need, and show you marvelous things. but, you must ALLOW Him to.\

Jesus replied,"I AM the TRUTH, THE WAY, AND THE LIFE."

buddha said, "i am not the way, the way is coming after me."
muhammed did not say,"i am the way."
confucious said,"find the right faith."
krishna did not say,"i am the way".

Jesus did.
2007-06-07 9:19 am
he is very real i will tell you he saved my life from an overdose a year ago and EVERY question i pray to him EVERY question I ask my lord jesus christ has answered....god still speaks I pray you find him because he loves you...he loves us all
2007-06-07 9:17 am
the answer is a RESOUNDING yes. the thing is that if you really want to know the truth you can search for God and He will be found by you. There have been so many times in my life where I wouldn't have been here if it hadn't been for Him. Also I have changed so much and am so verrrrrrrrrryyyyyy much happier and more fulfilled since I became born again.
2007-06-07 9:15 am
i believe in God. i just do. i don't have any proof, but i just do.
2007-06-07 9:15 am
2007-06-07 9:15 am
Of course not. There's no rational reason to believe in that myth.
2007-06-07 9:25 am
God is real He had a son with a virgin named Mary and he instructed her to call him Jesus. Jesus was sent to show all people that if you believe in him that when you die you will go to heaven. He showed us that by being crucified on the cross for all sinners. John 3:16 is a perfect example of this. It states that whosoever beleiveth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. That is exactly what his son was sent to show would happen if we only believe in God.
參考: The Bible
2007-06-07 9:23 am
Of coruse God is real and heres some proof one day at church there was a guy very hard of hearing and he had to walk with a crane because one leg didn't work and then a church leader prayed with him and then he was healed he was jumping all over the church with his cane in the air and then the worship leader asked the church leader why is was so happy and the church leader asked the worship leader to say something to him and the guy was on the other side of the room and the worship leader said to him hows it going and the guy who was healed repiled pretty good how about you.and that proofs god is real how else could he of been healed besides thorugh jesus christ
2007-06-07 9:21 am
God's real. He created the world in 7 days and he also had a son Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a pure and sinless life so he was sacrificed on the cross to pay for our sins. The Bible says everyone has sinned and I agree with that because I don't think there's a single person in the world that's perfect except for God and Jesus. Jesus will forgive you for all the sins you have commited as log as you accepted him as your savior and try very hard to repent your sins. Repent= change your ways. Those who believe will have eternal life in Heaven and for the rest, they'll be spending an eternity in Hell. You should ask Jesus to come into your life and repent your sins while you still have a chance. You should always ask yourself one question. Is this sin really worth it? Life on earth is usually 70 years but if you sin you'll be in Hell FOREVER. 70 years is a real short time compared to eternity so you should always try to do the right thing. If some one is aggravating you, ignore them because God will make them suffer and reward you for not fighting back.
2007-06-07 9:16 am
I have had no experiences to tell you about, BUT I believe he is - have to believe in something!!
2007-06-07 9:15 am
Very Real.
2007-06-07 9:17 am
well here's something that might help

a religious scholar sat up a meeting with a nonbeliever on the other side of the review, and they invited people over to see who'll convince the majority

when the time came the non believer and the crowd gathered at the arranged place but the scholar wasn't there, so they kept waiting for him 'till they gave up and decided to go home and the non believer said : i told u he was fake!

then all of the sudden the scholar shows up and apologizes for being late.

on of the crowd asked why he was late and the scholar replied: well i didn't fine a boat and as u know the river is too dangerous to swim in so i sat their on the other side waiting for some1 to pass by and help me when all of the sudden i saw ropes and wood fly in the air and work together to create this raft for me and once it finished i hopped on and sailed up to here.

the crowd broke into laughter and confusion, the non believer said:how do u expect us to believe that a raft built it self!

the scholar answerd: if u cant believe that a raft built itself how can u believe that the whole wide world was built by itself without a creator?
2007-06-07 9:31 am
I use to not care about these kind of questions. If someone told me about Jesus I would not listen. I use to drink from when I woke up to when I went to sleep. I started to go to church one day and nothing changed for me. Someone told me to give Jesus a try and I thought I did. I was in the church for almost 10 years and had no change. I ask God to come into my life but wanted still lived like hell. I finally quit going to church all together. One day someone told me that being a Christian will have its cost. He told me that I had to turn from my sins. This is to repent. If you are really sorry you will try not to sin anymore. So I ask Jesus to take over my life. I recieved the Holy Spirit that night. I do not drink anymore. I do not feel empty inside anymore. Now I want to live in a way that glorifies God. God is very real to me. I put all of my hope and trust in Him. If you have questions for me ask me on our site at I would be very happy to be able to answer your question about God.
2007-06-07 9:26 am
" God Is Real " In A Born-again Believers Soul! You can Feel Him, so "all" I can say is to " ASK Him Into Your Heart And Make Him Your Lord and Savior." You will find out For your self That GOD IS REAL! He Loves YOU Unconditionally. He Died For You. YES, GOD IS SO Real!
參考: John 3:16 Tells you all about Him.
2007-06-07 9:24 am
I do believe in God. I believe because, my friend, who is currently in a bad situation, I mean BAD (can't tell what, promised I wouldn't), can still find happiness in everyday. Even with her non christian friends and satanic friends putting her down, she still finds enough faith to follow God and stay loyal. Also, I am a diabetic. I went into diabetic coma one time, which has a chance of killing me, but I survived. Also, I went into DKA, which the best word to describe it is h-e-l-l because you are dehydrated and throwing up everything, but God got me through that and I am still alive today to tell the story. Please, believe in God. I will put you in my prayers. If you need someone to talk to, send me a message or email.
2007-06-07 9:18 am
i believe in god, but god is not a is my opinion that god is something that is not describable....i feel god sometimes, and that is how i know god is hear....the feeling is electric like with feelings of clarity and intense stimulation, audibly, visibly, and touch....that is all i can tell you of my experiences, other than i have been guided by god...and this is something i KNOW, but can not describe
2007-06-07 9:18 am
yes there is a real God
and go the ps 83;18
and if you pray that you want
the truth you shall find it!
2007-06-08 2:52 am
no he is not, god is a bunch of bullshit if he is real he's never done **** for u or me
2007-06-07 9:21 am
I don't think so. Look at the following in the sources section below.
Read the following books:

The God Delusion
god is not Great, How Religion Poisons Everything

Above title should be corrected:
god is not Great, How Christianity Poisons Everything.
2007-06-07 9:21 am
if you have this doubt, im almost certain you will never become a real christian. you need blind faith to believe in god, or some brainwashing, if youre not so sure you better just give it up. its kinda dumb anyway,
2007-06-07 9:19 am
Well, what God (or gods) are you talking about?

I really doubt there exists some supernatural being, though I'm not going to outright deny it. There are just so many different Gods I could choose to believe in. I say, why even bother. I would probably just choose the wrong one, and that's only if there is a god, which I think is a slim chance.
2007-06-07 9:18 am
OH yes! He is very real. Satan spends a lot of time trying to convince you he isn't.
Try our website for some very real answers..........
參考: It's an eye opener!
2007-06-07 9:16 am
2007-06-07 9:15 am
Sure... he's real fictional and real bogus.
2007-06-07 9:15 am
before you decide, visit
It is a well organized, and informative site.

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