What are some good games when babysitting ???

2007-06-07 12:16 am

回答 (5)

2007-06-07 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
hide in go seek
duck duck goose
how old our the kids those r 4 lil kids for 8+
then deal or no deal
2007-06-07 12:23 am
Can't go wrong with "I SPY" cuz anyone three years or older can play with adults. On the remote chance that you've never played, one person starts by saying "I spy something red" (for example) and everyone else has to guess what the thing is. The person that gets it goes next. You have to make sure that EVERY kid wins so you might glance at the thing while no one else is looking to help a kid that hasn't won yet.

The biggest problem you'll have is when the kids won't let you stop. In that case you have to say .."ok, just two more times each and then that's all" ... it's impossible to just make 'em stop.

Playing with Playdo is HUGE. Just be ready to be patient and don't do all the work.

Babysit age kids are never too young (or too old) to be read to and never too young to start helping them recognize letters & colors. See about getting some Sesame Street books.

Try doing several things and not just one even if they're doing fine with it. It will keep activities fresh for next time and the time will go by faster for them.

Consider making a book about "me" with them. Things they like to eat, do, .... personalize it. Use construction paper and crayons. It might turn up in their scrap book one day and they'll remember when they made it and who they were with (that's YOU!)
2007-06-07 8:13 pm
Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, go fish, drawing, karaoke. etc..
2007-06-07 12:42 am
Get some old news paper and get a small garbage can then have 10 peices of crunched up news paper per kid then let them try 2 get as many baskets as they can.
2007-06-07 12:26 am
Spin the child.

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