If the PC games dosen't say vista can I still play them?

2007-06-06 10:18 pm
I'm trying to buy some PC games for me daughter, if the box only says window 98, 2000, XP and doesn't say vista (I'm using window Vista). Are they still compatible? Software is no return so I don't want to take a chance. Thanks.

回答 (5)

2007-06-07 5:47 pm
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2007-06-06 11:32 pm
well honestly it's touch and go. You'd be better off to ask about a specific game. On a standard level...yes they should work. I remember once using a windows 98 game on a windows xp.
2007-06-06 10:34 pm
Dude. why buy another OS just because you can't play your game in your PC. just wait for Microsoft to release an update for the driver for that game.
2007-06-06 10:22 pm
Most games dont work on Vista yet. Better off to go and buy Windows XP Pro and replace Vista with that instead. Otherwise, it may be a year or two before Microsoft and the vendors have all the bugs out of Vista and the games available today can run and play on Vista like they can on XP right now today.
2007-06-08 2:37 am
I have had luck playing some games at there lowest settings on Vista. Check the system requirements if they aren't to high go and buy them

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