France Rail Pass

2007-06-07 7:57 am
I would like to see if it is economical to buy the France Rail Pass.

1. How much is the reservation fee for each TGV trip?

2. I will travel from Paris to Rennes, then to Mont St-Michel. From Paris to Rennes, it will be TGV. From Rennes to Mont St-Michel, it will be by coach. Is the coach also covered by the France Rail Pass? Or I should pay separately?

回答 (3)

2007-06-08 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Reservation fee 每程每人大慨由Eur 5-10 不等, 我上年去, 最長途由南部avignon 去paris 都好似吾超過eur10

2. rail pass 係吾包括 coach 既費用的, coach 是巴士要另外買票,上車比錢or 去站頭買票都得

由rennes 去 mont st. michel 既巴士每日早上只得3班車(sunday 會加開1班), 回程巴士又係得3班

去程 click 下面橙色 "To Mont Saint Michel "
回程 click 下面橙色 "To Rennes"
2007-06-15 12:10 am
點解會唔包巴士呢﹖ 在pass的有效日期﹐持有有效的火車證﹐是可以免費坐巴士的。上車將火車證show 給巴士司機便可。
2007-06-07 8:01 am
Hope this help.

1. Normally even with a pass the fee for reservation will be around Euro 10-20 depending on class of your pass.

2. Yes rail pass normally cover both, and if u take TGV sometime need extra reservation/ booking fee depending on the section.

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