
2007-06-07 6:19 am

Yesterday a man who I don`t know talk to me.He sail`If you give me your credit card number I will sand you $100000000 and I will buy sometihng for you`And I told him a fact
number and he buy a Toy which cost $1000 dollars to me!I am very happy at that time.

Will I hurt his heart??

回答 (2)

2007-06-07 11:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
At least I don't think you'll hurt his heart.

You told him a fact number but he didn't send $100000000. He only gave you a $1000 toy.

Actually I don't understand what's the story
2007-06-07 7:34 am
Is that the complete story? You never hurt his heart !

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