English P.5 ~急~

2007-06-07 5:22 am
1.Do you like singing?
2.what kind of songs do you like sing?
3.what is your favourite songs
4.When will you sing?

回答 (4)

2007-06-07 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Yes,I like singing. / No,I don't like singing.

2.(首先你既問題有文法錯誤,如果用like,後面就要用現在進行式,即singing,咁我都答住你先啦)I like singing the RAP SONGS.

3.My favourite song is BE WITHOUT YOU(←真係有呢首RAP歌架)

4.When i am SAD,i will sing.

參考: 自己
2007-06-07 8:02 am
1. yes, i like it. OR No, I don't sing

2. I like all kind of songs, especially pop (or classical, rock, hip, etc) songs

3. my favourite songs is xxxxx (please write by yourself)

4. i will sing when i feel happy or so sad.
2007-06-07 5:33 am
I really like to sing, I like to sing all kinds of song, the most important things is the song was nice so I would like to sing! My favourite song is "The Music were always be with you" It was very nice. I would sing when I want to, Ithink it was the best to sing when you want to!

2007-06-06 21:38:06 補充:
Sorry the name of the music should be "The music's always there with you".Really Really Sorry.>_
參考: Me
2007-06-07 5:27 am
1.Do you like singing?
Yes, I do.
2.what kind of songs do you like sing?
I like to sing folk songs.

3.what is your favourite songs
My favourite song is "My Bonnie".

4.When will you sing?
I will sing at the singing contest next week.

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