boiling point and boiling point 越低係咪越reactive????(請盡快

2007-06-07 5:16 am
boiling point and boiling point 越低係咪越reactive?!!!

還有,我想問atom細d or particle細d牙?@@"佢地有咩關係架?

回答 (1)

2007-06-09 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
boiling point and boiling point 越低係咪越reactive?
The answer is yes. As a science student, I am so sure that you must come across the term "metallic bond". It determines the b.p. of a metal. Metallic bond strength depends on two factors. (1)how many valence shell e-(valence shell e-= 在最外層電殼的電子) takes part in forming the metallic bond. The more the valence shell e- taking part in forming the metallic bond, the higher are their b.p.. This is because, the more the valence shell e-, the greater the attractive force generated between the nucleus and the valence shell e-, . Hence the higher is the b.p..
For example, any group II and group III metals along the same period have a higher b.p. than that of group I metal, such as sodium b.p. = 883 度(只有一粒最外層電子去參與metallic bond的formation, magnesium b.p. = 1090度(它有兩粒最外層電子去參與metallic bond的formation, aluminium b.p. = 2519 度(它有三粒最外層電子去參與metallic bond的formation).
(2)is the size of the metal atom. As you know when moving across the period, the atomic sizes decrease, so is the distance between the nucleus and the valence shell e-, . As a result the attractive force generated between the valence shell e-, and nucleus increases, leading to the increase in the b.p. of the metals across the period.
但,,我想問點解halogens的boiling&melting係increase down the group的.
This is because when moving down the group, the molecular sizes of the halogens will increase. Since there is an increase in number of valence shells(外層電殼的數目增加, 由K層到N層),the attractive force generated between the valence shell e-, and nucleus decreases due to the increase in the distance between valence shell e-and nucleus , leading to easier for the outermost shell e- to be distorted. The greater the ability for outermost shell e- to be distorted, the greater is the van der waals' force. When van der waals' force increases, so is the boiling&melting of halogens.
boiling point = b.p. ; e-= electrons
I hope you will find my answer helpful.

2007-06-08 17:09:08 補充:
,我想問atom細d or particle細d牙?@@"佢地有咩關係架?Of course atom is smaller than particle. You can say that particles or any kinds of substances found in the earth are made up of atoms(被原子所組成的).

2007-06-08 17:10:38 補充:
(2)is the size of the metal atom改為is the size of the metallic(這是形容詞) atom

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