
2007-06-07 3:53 am
係U讀物理有咩前途 , 除左教書...我真係諗唔到

回答 (4)

2007-06-07 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are plenty of job opportunities for physics graduates in Hong Kong. For example, in the private sector, physics graduates can perform in jobs like environmental scientists, building physicists, or if you are interested in dealing with poeple, you could work in marketing of scientific equipments (such as cyclotrons or the like).
There are also plenty of opportunities in the government. The Hong Kong Observatory is one of the largest departments that employ physics graduates as Scientific Officers. You could also find good opportunities in the Environmental Proection Department, in the Department of Health as Radiation Protection Physicists, or in the Hospital Authority as Medical Physicists.
Undergraduate education in university gives you a basic training in physics knowledge. You need to specialize in a discipline in physics in your working career.

2007-06-06 21:39:42 補充:
Apart from the Hospital Authority, there is also a number of private hospitals that employ Medical Physicists.

2007-06-07 15:24:28 補充:
There is also job opportunities in the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (the Science Museum and the Space Museum) to works as Asistant Curators/Curators. But that is more on educational side, rather than practicng physics as a profession......

2007-06-07 15:26:14 補充:
..... The academic side (teaching at universities or schools) is only one but not all of the job careers for physics graduates in Hong Kong. You should explore your sight into a wider scope.
2007-06-07 11:36 pm
讀物理個人諗野會清晰d, 頭腦較靈活. 做咩工都得, 我CUHK PHYSICS, 現為工程經理.
2007-06-07 10:58 pm
2007-06-07 4:20 am

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