
2007-06-07 3:18 am
air pollution,water pollution,land pollution,noise pollution
三個 原因

回答 (2)

2007-06-07 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

[REASON] The air pollutants are mainly produced bu cars and factories,Sulphur dioxide and smoke particles are the major air pollutants.


[REASON] - Poisonaus chemicals from factories and households. - Factories produce poisonaus waste water and chemicals - Farmland and animals farms discharge dirty water in Zhujiang.


[REASON] - Highways,railway,constuction sites,airport


[REASON] - Solid waste from households and constuction sites - Rubbish goes into the 3 landfill sites - Industrial and domestic waste


- Plant more trees along the roadsites
- Fine the drivers if their vehicles give out black smoke
- Build a new sewage treatment plant to treat waste water before being discharged into the river
- Carries out conservation policies such as solid waste recycling.
參考: 中一GEOG書
2007-06-07 5:11 am
1.send a letter to the government to formulate a new law to stop factories dumping chemicals

2.tell people to use more public transpot to stop air pollution
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:59:21
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