loose ball foul

2007-06-06 9:43 pm
wt is loose ball foul , how does the referee act when there is a loose ball foul ?

is it an offensive 3 sec violation if the offensive player standing in the 3 sec area with one leg outside the area ?


回答 (1)

2007-06-06 9:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
loose ball foul通常都係雙方搶波時(例如, 搶藍板), 其中一方以犯規動作去影響另一方搶波, 哩個時候不論犯規者有否波在手, 球證都會吹罰犯規者.

球員A同B搶籃板, 球員A在跳起時以手踭推開球員B, 令其失平衡不能及時跳起搶籃板球, 咁樣球證會吹罰球員A.

3 sec violation, 無論攻擊球員1隻腳 or 2隻腳踩入顏色地帶多過3秒, 咁都算3秒違例.

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