幾時要去健康院check ?

2007-06-06 7:15 pm
体咗医生驗到有咗, 幾時要去健康院check 架? 程序係點? 其實去健康院係check D乜呢?
健康院同私家婦科有咩唔同? 洗唔洗兩边都check? 唔該曬!

回答 (4)

2007-06-06 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
您只要拎翻張醫生証明(confirmed有左果張), 去最近您住果區o既母嬰健康院登記, 佢就會同您約第一次檢查, o甘佢就會幫您o既最近果區有產科o既醫院登記. 您亦可以同時睇私家醫生做檢查, 而定興照4D, 政府無得照4D.

政府 :
不是每次檢查都會照ultra sound

私家 :
基本每次檢查都會照ultra sound

但係睇政府都因人而異, 我睇政府照ultra sound over 3 次, 所有對於分娩及懷孕期間o既野都跟得好足. 28周發現妊娠糖尿, 仲安排我入院留醫觀察, 又check 我bb 後期發育緩慢並無轉頭, 到35發現胎水越尼越少, 故即刻約期開刀. 最後費用全免, 如果睇私家, 我相信lee次分娩及懷孕過程洗o既錢都唔少.
其實無咩所謂, 您可以兩邊都睇, 好似我o甘, 政府有晒d記錄, 有咩事都跟得貼d.

2007-06-06 11:33:25 補充:
sorry, should be by myself.
參考: meself
2007-06-06 7:25 pm
如果己確實有左, 你要先去醫院登記先, 因要驗超聲波. 到時你可要求到健康院作定期檢查而不用到醫院, 因等候時間健康院是快d, 及每區都有健康院都比較方面.
健康院都是驗小便,按肚, 磅重等,如陀得沒有大問題, 可以不用到醫院

2007-06-06 11:29:18 補充:
不過你可每月一次到私家醫生照, 因公立不會次次有得照及print 給你作記念, 私家都會問你在那兒生產, 如你打算在公立生都冇問題的,醫生都會開維仔命及鈣片給你.
參考: 自己
2007-06-06 7:22 pm
If you want to deliever in Public Hospital, better go to 健康院 to have regular follow up. Please go there as soon as possible after you know you get pregnant because they will offer some tests to see whether you and the baby are healthy or not.

There are some kinds of disease which can only be detected in an early stage such as screening for Down's syndrome can be done at around 12-14th weeks of gestation.

They will offer you an USG scan at around 20th weeks of gestation to look for any abnormality of the baby.

Also blood test will be done during first visit to see whether you have any infectious disease such as Hepatitis B, Rubella, Syphilis which all may affect the growth of the baby. They will also check for diabetes

If everythings normal, both mother and bb healthy, 健康院 will see you every 4 weeks till ~30 weeks of gestation, then every 2 weeks till 36 weeks of gestation, then weekly till delivery.


If you would like to deliever the baby in private hospital, can consider to have regular check up in private doctor. Around monthly. As far as i know, private doctor will perform ultrasound every months, and quite expensive.
However there is no evidence that monthly ultrasound can help improve the healthiness of the baby

Just up to you, if you have money and want to have a more comfortalbe environment when seeing doctor --> private doctor is enough
2007-06-06 7:21 pm
如果在私家醫生到確實是有左, 你是需要叫醫生出一份証明書給你, 你才可以到政府的健康院, 其實政府健康院已很全面, 但是你可以另外到私家醫生照超聲波, 兩次就夠, 因為政府健康院, 無記錯應該得一次超聲波, 而私家醫生照超聲波, 只是確實一下 BB 的大少, 是否四肢齊全及性別. 希望幫到你!!

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