
2007-06-06 6:34 pm
ALL OR NOTHING <-- 呢句點解?
ALL即係全部, NOTHING即係沒有 / 什麼都沒有

仲有, why everyone think me is that kind of pk HK ppl?
上面句野我明個意思, 但係平時成日都見到that kind of 係點解?

回答 (4)

2007-06-06 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
all or nothing
一要就全部要晒 唔係就一樣都唔好要。

why everyone think me is that kind of pk HK ppl?
無 me is
should be I am

kind of
有時係 這類 有時係 有點兒 咁解!
2007-06-06 8:42 pm
ALL OR NOTHING <-- 呢句點解?

等於 = Winner takes all.
一係就無, 一係就囉哂.

仲有, why everyone think me is that kind of pk HK ppl?
上面句野我明個意思, 但係平時成日都見到that kind of 係點解?

That kind of = 這種, 這類
I do not like that kind of hair style at all. (存有些小貶意 - 我絕不喜歡[種]髮型)
參考: SELF
2007-06-06 7:15 pm

Why everyone think me is that kind of xxxxx?
2007-06-06 7:13 pm
all or nothing 一係得到哂,一係乜都冇,好似買一盒牙籤,冇得買一支,要就要哂成盒,唔要就一支都唔買。
When it comes to buying toothpicks, it's all or nothing. You either buy the whole box or go home and brush your teeth.
第二句,that kind of 「o個種/o個d」,o係呢度含貶義,即係廣東話「o個d衰人」,「o個d麻煩o野」咁囉

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