
2007-06-06 6:33 pm

回答 (6)

2007-06-06 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
估計唔你電腦主動去搵個紀錄,而係呢句中文冇左 subject,係人搵唔到。但為表達 formal 說法,可以咁:
There is no record of your leaving work on June 4 in the computer system. (否則可以:We cannot find the record of your leaving work on June 4 in the computer system.)
Please ask your supervisor for a proof for the time you left work in email.
2007-06-12 11:13 pm
2007-06-07 1:49 am
The computer finds you in 4/6 to finish work the record to ask you to ask for instructions you the manager to leave an electricity to post for me proved you several finish work
參考: me
2007-06-06 10:59 pm


The computer finds you in 4/6 to finish work the record

Asks you to ask for instructions you the manager to leave anelectricity to post for me proved you several finish work
2007-06-06 6:41 pm
there's no record of your dearture on 4/6.

Please have your supervisor to approve.
2007-06-06 6:40 pm
The computer cannot find your departure record on 4/6.

Please request your supervisor to send me an email to prove when did you leave.
參考: myself

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