✔ 最佳答案
where you want to go? why you need to take the axe?
f: “上豬圈去,昨天夜裡下小豬了。”
to pigsty, there're new piggy were born last night.
d “我不明白,你為甚麼要拿著把斧子去,”
i don't understand, why you need to take the axe
f “有一隻小豬是落腳豬。它太小太弱,不會有出息。因此我不要它。”
as one of the piggy is too weak and i won't keep it
d “只為了它比別的豬小?”
just because that one is weaker than others?
f “那小豬反正活不了。”
at least, that piggy will not alive for long time
d “請不要殺它!這不公平。”
please don't kill this piggy, it is not fair to it!!!!
f “弗恩,你得學會控制自己。”
Fred, you need to learn how to control your emotion
d “這是生死攸關的事,你還說什麼控制自己。”
it's talking about a life, why you link up to the emotion controlling?
f “養小豬的事我比你懂。落腳豬麻煩大著呢。現在讓開吧!”
i know grow piggy more than you, problem will come along from that weak piggy.
stand aside.
d “要是我生下來的時候很小很小,你也把我給殺了嗎?”
if i was weak when i born, you will kill me also?
f “當然不會,不過這是兩回事。女孩小是一回事,落腳豬小又是一回事。”
of course not! it's different case.
d “我看不出有什麼兩樣,我聽到過那麼多不公平的事,這件事是最最不公平的。”
i can't see any difference between me and the weak piggy.
this is the most unfair case that i heard before
f “好吧好吧,我讓你用照顧它。這下子你就會知道對付一隻小豬有多麼麻煩了。”
ok.. i let you take care of it.
you will understand how trouble to grow up a weak piggy!