係唔係一個sentance內唔可以出現兩個past tense定係點?

2007-06-06 4:06 pm
we talked and laughED or we talked and laugh?

i went to MEET up my friends or i went to MET up my friends?

we didn't have to GO/WENT to school so i STAYED/STAY at home and DID/DO some revision.
係唔係一個sentance內唔可以出現兩個past tense定係點?

回答 (4)

2007-06-06 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一個sentance內可以出現兩個past tense.因為用and 連接着
we talked and laughed .(it's correct)
i went to meet up my friends.(it's correct)
we didn't have to GO to school so i STAYED at home and DID some revision.
參考: myself
2007-06-06 4:21 pm
係We talked and laughed

I went to meet up my friends.
to infinitive , 所以meet要用番present tense

we didn't have to go to school, so i stayed at home and did some revision.
用go, 同上, to infinitive
由於so是連接詞, 而且 "我們不用上學" 同 "留在家中" 都是已過去的
所以用past tense
2007-06-06 4:17 pm
we talked and laughed .

I went to meet my friends

we didn't have to go to school, so I stayed at home and did some revision.

* In a sentence, depend on what tense you uses first, then you have to keep using that tense, for first example, we talked and laughed. because you use past tense first, so second has to be past tense too. But for second example, because you have the TO before your word, everytime you have 'to' the next word 100% is using present tense. Just remember this . '
參考: me
2007-06-06 4:14 pm
1. We talked and laughed. (One sentance can contain few different past tense)

2. I went to meet with my friends. (No past tense after "To")

3. We didn't have to go to school so I've stayed at hone and did some revision.
(same as #2, no past tense after "to", and for the rest, you may use past tenses)

Hope this help.

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