想問係party裏面 可以叫到一隻酒既名字同制法

2007-06-06 10:27 am
我係london度飲過幾次呢這酒 因為聽得唔係好清楚個bartender點叫佢 讀音大概係cabanania 我見個bartender開頭放幾塊似青檸既物體 再放1粒方糖 將佢地mix埋之後放一堆冰先加酒落去 我次次都睇唔清楚佢加咩酒 飲落我覺得有d似vodka 但係唔sure 佢shake完之後再加一堆冰落去整滿隻杯架 幾好飲 有冇人知道呢隻酒既全名 同 制法??

回答 (1)

2007-06-06 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I guess you are talking about Caipirinha (pronounced [kaj.pi.'ri.ɲɐ] or Ca-pi-rin-ha)

This is Brazil's national cocktail made with Cachaça (pronounced IPA: [ˌkaˈʃasɐ]), sugar and lime. Cachaça is Brazil's most common distilled alcoholic beverage. Like rum, it is made from sugarcane, however, cachaça is made from sugarcane juice whereas rum is made from molasses, a byproduct of the sugar refining process.

There are many version of this cocktail. The English pub will use vodka or rum to substitute cachaça, while the Mexicans will use Tequila instead.


5.0 cl (1⅔ fl oz) Cachaça or Vodka or Tequila
½ Fresh Lime cut into 4 wedges
2 teaspoons sugar


Place lime and sugar into old fashioned glass and muddle (mash the two ingredients together using a muddler or a wooden spoon). Fill the glass with crushed ice and add the Cachaça or Vodka or Tequila.

2007-06-06 10:19:29 補充:
基本上,唐人酒吧叫 "Vodka Lime 加甜".....

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