why do we lack good people nowadays?

2007-06-06 4:29 am
less and less people have human values, we are being influenced by modern material life... what is more important? being a good person or being a puppet?!

回答 (25)

2007-06-06 5:09 am
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The answer is obvious, being a good person is more important. However, how do we expect people to strive to be good if no one is being held accountable for their actions anymore? There are too many people making excuses for their misbehavior and getting let-off easy because of them. People should realize that certain decisions have consequences. If they can't handle the ramifications of their actions maybe they should do something else (maybe then we'd have more "good" people).
2007-06-06 11:33 am
We do not lack good people in this world. We lack identification of them.
Could you imagine if we had a news cast of people who were amazing and did good things? Everyone would be sayin- that's boring - big deal. I am nice too.
The media focuses on the small percent pf bad people- because it makes us go.... DAMN.... that's a bad person..... scarey..... tell me more.
I believe in the good of human nature- and try to practice it everyday- altho I too admit I am jaded.
2007-06-06 11:34 am
i think its partly because both parents work nowadays. used to be one parent was home and neighbors really knew each other. if somebody did something they shouldnt, the parents would find out. people used to look out for one another and individuals were to be accountable for their actions. now, there is less supervision. thats my 2 cents anyway.
2007-06-06 11:39 am
There are lots of good people but you don't hear about them as much because it is not interesting news. Try counting how many news report about good thing people did vs news about bad human behaviors. Do you know there are hospital entirely staffed by volunteers, animal rescue operation completely ran by volunteers, nursing home visited daily by volunteers, so start being a good person and do something nice starting tomorrow.
2007-06-06 11:33 am
being a person is more important...!!! and i agree that we really need to put what we think is most important in life first!!! c'mon!! i mean!!! and i don't exactly know why we lack good people.... but i think the best you can do to stop it is to be a good person yourself!
2007-06-06 11:31 am
Being a good person to me.........I do not understand "material" people who never have enough......I have never seen a U-Haul behind a hearse
2007-06-06 11:40 am
im a good person
i want to save the world
2007-06-06 11:32 am
Being a good person is by far more important. Giving of yourself if the best thing anyone can do.
2007-06-06 11:31 am
in general, it's because we've become a culture glued to a screen - be it computer or television, this is the extent of modern cultural manifestation in our lifetimes....
2007-06-06 11:31 am
being a good person.
2007-06-06 11:31 am
im a good person
2007-06-06 11:34 am
Being a good person is always valuable, I think the press make most of the bad sides of people when in fact there are a majority of good decent people.

Those who drain our society of the values and morals standards just get reported on more.... But we do need to stand firm, be prepared to challenge them and not just leave to the police to deal. everyone has the moral duty to challenge and help their community...
2007-06-06 11:32 am
good people are all around you. it is easier to spot a bad person than a good person. also, you have to remember, that the media and society tends to feed off of negative news, which is really bad in my opinion.
2007-06-06 11:42 am
Being good does'nt pay well thats why.
2007-06-06 11:32 am
This is a dumb question - people have never been more good or more bad than they are now; it's always been a balance. You choose to see the good or the bad in people, and what do you mean being a good person or being a puppet? I can argue that being a puppet is being good person. Think your question through better before asking it.

EDIT: And all these answers suck. I'm just telling you this because I'm a good person.
2007-06-06 12:06 pm
i don't think we lack good people its is just that they are hiding under a rock somewhere.in my own opinion it is better to be a good person than a greedy bugger,it has always been a rat race but i think more and more peeps are starting to wake up and realise that we have let our social values go downhill.
2007-06-06 11:37 am
Many young adults have not, or did not learn any "work ethics". They probably wouldn't even know what that means. There is little respect, and many think the world owes THEM. It was a fad when we were growing up, to wear bell-bottoms. The "fad" today is that stealing is "cool". I asked a teenage girl WHY was there so much stealing going on, and that's what she told me. Kids have become masters at manipulating their parents. I agree with the answer about how families are divided, and both parents working, etc....
2007-06-06 11:36 am
2 points.

2007-06-06 2:53 pm
Being a good person is not fashionable these days - our "sophisticated" society doesn't consider it "cool".
2007-06-06 12:37 pm
Self realization; there is even a Philosophy about that. All of us have believed in self realization at one time or another. Me,me,me,me,me. TV, Freeways, Jobs, Cosmetics, Commercials, Movies, Songs, Opinions. Everybody is right and nobody is wrong. Political Correctness. We all have the "truth". Love money, Love fame, Love power, You can achieve anything you want, You are in control, The universe and all things were created by "chance". All roads lead to Rome. Do what ever feels good. Then all of a sudden we hear the Truth and we begin to question the world and ourselves and we leave no stone unturned until we are "set free by the Truth". Then we embrace it and we will never be the same again. We find that the Truth is Love. But not the "love" that the "world" has taught us; that love has left us "empty" like a drug or a lust. But True Love that comes from the Son of God is like no other. God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whoever puts their trust and faith in Him will not perish but have eternal life. Do it right now, wherever you are and ask Him into your hearts, do it with all your heart and mind. Jesus Christ is His name. The only name given by which man may be saved. Being good or a puppet, or bad has nothing to do with it. God knows all. Ask Him to forgive you and if you really want forgiveness, knowing that no one deserves it, He will forgive you. Quit trusting the world and trust in God only.
2007-06-06 11:56 am
wouldn't that depend on your master?
參考: myself
2007-06-06 11:46 am
its not so much a question of good or bad person. Its more a question of good and bad manners and the lack of courtesy and common respect.

Take some of these answers for instance. The way I understand the question, the answerer's can be a good example.

I agree with the person that said the media feeds off of the negative in society. The respondent didn't address the fact that the media would not feed off of the negative if we (society) did not hang on every word.
2007-06-06 11:32 am
i think you are hanging with the wrong people..don't go with every tom, dick or harry..be more selective in who you are hanging out with...at work..you know the losers...just stay away from them as much as possible...
2007-06-06 11:31 am
2007-06-06 11:31 am
ask the neocons

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