Atheists, do you use common like expressions like " Oh, my god" or " Holy mother of God" or "damn"?

2007-06-06 4:14 am
Or when you reallyyyyy want something, or are anxious about something, do you ever say " Please God help me"?

回答 (41)

2007-06-06 4:19 am
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yes, i find i especially like invoking the lord's name in vain when doing the hibbidy jibbidy.
2007-06-06 4:18 am
"jesus christ on a stick"
2007-06-06 4:17 am
Some of them. I would never ask god to help. But I do use them as a matter of speech.
2007-06-06 4:17 am
Yea, sometimes I just can't help it. Those expressions are expressed numerous times, They're stuck in my head (and probably others' as well)

But I don't call for God, never
2007-06-06 4:19 am
I'm not an atheist, but when surprised about something, I have been known to say, "Jesus Christ on a ******* crutch!!!"
2007-06-06 4:19 am
No I say
"Oh my nothing"
"Holy mother of nothing"

I would never ask "nothing" to help me when I'm anxious or whatever.
2007-06-06 4:17 am
I don't say: "Please God help me." I say some things like: "Oh my god!" or "God dammit!" That's just the culture I was raised in coming through my language. It's meaningless.
2007-06-06 4:17 am
Are you crazy???
When I swear I use all of the items words that can be found in a church... That is more proper...
2007-06-06 4:16 am
No, but I say F--- You a lot
2007-06-06 4:16 am

There is not a patent on those words.
參考: JS
2007-06-06 4:21 am
I use Jesus F******* Christ most of the time. (I censored myself, not for you, but for Yahoo)
2007-06-06 4:19 am
What an embarrassing post!

Edit: actually, I do say Jesus jumped up christ on a pogo stick!
2007-06-06 4:28 am
I use the words hell and damn, but for me they carry no religious meaning. hell=place that sucks, damn=damn. I do actually say things like "Oh my science" or "Science damn you!" and "Flying Spaghetti Monster damn you!", "Science damn it!", "Flying Spaghetti Monster damn it". I seriously say these things, among others. (And just to spite people who say "god bless you" after people sneeze, I say "Satan damn you")
2007-06-06 4:26 am
Holy Cow droppings!
2007-06-06 4:23 am
Oh, my god/gosh, damn - sometimes
Holy mother, Please God - Nope
2007-06-06 4:21 am
Yes to 1 and 3, no to 2 and 4. Because 1 and 3 are common expressions, whereas the other two are pretty specific to your religion.
2007-06-06 4:21 am
My fav answer is *OMFgawd!*...and NO I don't ask any imaginary friends for any help...I might as well expect a brick wall to offer assistance.....
2007-06-06 4:20 am
As per your main question yes, I do.
As for your extension where you ask if I would seriously "ask god" for something, no. It would be like asking "Oh zeus, get me out of here" or something as ridiculous.

When I am in trouble, I either have to just take it on the chin or use my wits to resolve the danger.

Why would anyone with half a brain ask a god for help?

2007-06-06 4:19 am
I like "Jesus, Mary and Fred!" and the sarcastic "Thank f***king Christ!". Sometimes "Sweet Jesus" or "For the love of Christ!". "Je-sus H. Christ!" is another fave, and yes the ubiquitous "Oh my God!"

It's cultural. I would never want to give up fun expressions simply beause I don't believe.
2007-06-06 4:19 am
How about "holy sh.t" or "Holy f..k.
2007-06-06 4:19 am
I use oh god, but i dont capitalize the G
cus its not God, its just, omg.
2007-06-06 4:19 am
No for all phrases with 'God" but I do use 'damn'.
but the word damn is not exclusive to God is it??
2007-06-06 4:18 am
I am definately NOT an Atheist, But have a great friend that is! She says God-Damn constantly!! it drives me nuts!! I always correct her. And tell her how horrible it sounds!!
2007-06-06 4:17 am
yes, yes, yes & no
2007-06-06 4:17 am
Sure, god is a stand in for the unexplained.
2007-06-06 4:17 am
yes, no, yes, and no
2007-06-06 4:17 am
Not really. I use "oh my god" as an interjection sometimes simply because I hear it so often (one will start talking like the people that are around them often eventually), but unlike what many theists would have you believe, this doesn't mean I secretly believe in a god any more than saying "holy s.hit" (which I also use as an interjection) means I'm secretly a coprophile (if you don't know what that word means, you can guess from the context, lol). :P
2007-06-06 4:16 am
no i use shutup
2007-06-06 4:22 am
well i kinda suggest that you dont have to say those words even if your not an atheist, As the bible says dont use the name of God in vain!
2016-11-05 2:01 pm
pink Floyd. Rick Wright positioned out 2 solo albums and is working on a third. Syd Barrett positioned out 5. Gilmour did 3 and is working on yet another. Waters has 6 or perhaps Nick Mason has 2 and wrote a e book. mutually as all of them did no longer pass away, they did pass directly to have separate solo careers. edit: hi sarah
2007-06-07 8:21 pm
Well coming from an agnostic, someone who cannot prove or disprove god, I would deem it ok. As long as it doesn't make you sound hypocritical. Then again people say things like this without really thinking about it. If an Atheists says something of the sort, you really should mind your own marbles instead of trying to make them well like a dumbass.
參考: Just my thought!
2007-06-06 4:37 am
As I was growing up I did. When you hear something repeated over and over, it tends to become ingrained in you. However, around the time I hit 20, I made a conscious effort to replace other phrases in their place. Here are some common phrases and my substitutes:

God bless you: Buddha bless you (Buddha is generally not considered a god)
Oh my god: Oh my f#$%ing dog! (I can't be the only one who realized at a very early age that god spelled backwards is dog.)
Holy s@#$: S@#$! (Who really needs the "Holy" part?"
Jesus Christ!: Random expletive, though it is most often "F#$% me running!"
I've trained myself to never use the word "damn".
I also trained myself to drop a lot of f-bombs in certain company. I find it amusing; they don't.

As for your other question, no, I have never said that.
參考: Atheist.
2007-06-06 4:36 am
yep, i do

and just like christians who say 'holy cow' i dont really mean it.
2007-06-06 4:26 am
I say oh my god, god damnit, ******* christ, abd all th erest of them, minus god help me. They are expressions that you hear from the time your born pretty much, they are imbedded in your mind and they are commonly used. It has nothing to do with believing in god, it just happens.
2007-06-06 4:26 am
Certainly, I do (yes to all of them). Funny, even right after I say it I have to think, "That's kind of hypocritical of me!"

However, I do think it is an example of how far ingrained a belief in the Holy is in our society (Western society). We are brought up all our lives with images of the Trinity impregnating our lives, whether explicit or implicit. However, some of us move towards a belief outside that of the religious faiths.

Certainly, one could ask "Is that God trying to show me that I am in need of Him?" or, perhaps that is my unconscious showing me that I do believe in God and that I just need to come to terms with whatever bad situation happened with me and religion (very Freudian). Perhaps I will reconcile with my faith one day. Until then, this is a fun question to contemplate.
2007-06-06 4:22 am
No, I say f*cking hell a lot.
2007-06-06 4:21 am
She that is without sin, let her cast the first stone.
2007-06-06 4:19 am
Damn especialy when I stub my toe in the dark. Oh My God only when I'm really amazed but I don't really think I'm saying it.
2007-06-06 4:17 am
I can honestly say that I have not.
2007-06-06 4:32 am
After reading a few of the answers, I would have to say that the use of such phrases makes them acknowledge the existence of god.
2007-06-06 4:19 am
How come it is not heard of to take Mohammad's name in vain or Buddha?

maybe because these names have no power!

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