Is leadership skill innate? or it can be taught?

2007-06-05 10:34 pm
Is leadership skill innate? or it can be taught?

回答 (9)

2007-06-05 10:37 pm
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Leadership can be taught, just as many other abilities can be taught as well (singing, dancing, playing piano, etc)

The key point here is WILL and EFFORT

You can do a lot with those two

2007-06-06 4:50 pm
Of course leadership can be taught, however to be a charismatic leader that wud require alot of training. If you have integrity, initiative, wisdom, vision, peopleskill, its a good start. You can read more on how to become effective leader here:
2007-06-06 1:56 am
Charisma seems more of an innate quality of one's personality. The charismatic are often chosen, or believe themselves to be destined for positions of leadership, but this quality does not assure that they will be effective or just. The skills of leadership seem to derive from what Aristotle termed "the natural virtues"-- prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. These virtues can be learned, and are essential for effective and just leadership.
2007-06-05 11:12 pm

if the person has the capacity it will develop. period

(also, lookup : human intelligence & strength of conviction)
2007-06-05 10:58 pm
I think it's a combination of both. Of course you can improve your leadership skills by reading books, attending seminars, learning from mentors, etc. But consider Mozart, who could naturally pick up piano songs even as a young child. He was obviously born with a gift. Some people are born with a gift for leadership in the same way.
2007-06-05 10:58 pm
Both. Some folks just got it, some folks can learn it.

Some may never get it, however...but that's ok, too.
2007-06-05 10:57 pm
Leadership is learning how one can create desire in others to do something. It can be taught or learned.

To learn how to be a good leader look at the people who make you want to do something. Try out the techniques they use to make you want to do something on other people and see if the other people respond in a positive or negative manner. Over time you will learn what you can do that generates the willingness in others to do what you want them to do.

One major point is that good leaders never try to force people to do anything. Even in situations where people are doing something they do not really want to do the key is that they are not forced to do what they don't want to do.
2007-06-05 10:56 pm
Leadership can be an extent.But leadership is more about personality then know how.I think people are truly born leaders and followers though some can be thrust into either or position but again it's their personality that will get it done in the end.
2007-06-05 10:56 pm
I think the basics of leadership can be taught----but it takes special skill, talent and personality to be a GOOD leader so I would say innate. Not everyone is cut out to be a leader.

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