有關ATCL 既問題

2007-06-06 7:28 am
係咪要有 GRADE 8 樂理先可以報ATCL?
同埋ATCL & LTCL 既分別...........

thank you

回答 (4)

2007-06-07 11:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
英國倫敦英三一音樂學院 (TCL)
Preparatory Grade
Grade 1 ~ 5
Frist Concert certificate
Grade 6 ~ 8
Performers certificate (PC)

註 : PC 即所謂的演奏級,而Dip是文馮級
A = Associated Diploma (一級演奏文馮,相等於大學第一年程度)
L = Licentiated Diploma (執業演奏 或 學士文馮,相等於三年制大學畢業之程度)
F = Fellowship (音樂院士,樂器 Practical 考試之中的最高程度,

p.s. 以大家較為熟悉的演奏曲目為例,
可令大家大概知道三張文憑的程度需求 ~

Fantasy Impromtu (F.Chopin) 幻想即興曲 (蕭邦)


Etude de Paganini no.3 ~ La campanella (F.Liszt)
巴格尼尼主題改編練習曲第三號 之【鐘】(李斯特)

參考: piano_proshops
2007-06-06 10:30 pm
In fact, it is not neccessary to get the grade 8 theory cert. before apply the ATCL. However, i suggest you should study it as you need to show your musical knowledge in the performance (ATCL or LTCL or FTCL or other cert.) If you have technic only, without any musicial knowledege, you still can not perform a good music

參考: full time piano and theory tutor
2007-06-06 6:39 pm
ATCL 同 LTCL 都係無需要grade 8 theory既

ATCL 係最易
LTCL 比 ATCL難一個level

所以你無grade 8 theory 都可以考ATCL
如果你夠叻,可以一考就考 LTCL 都得
參考: me
2007-06-06 5:15 pm
唔需要有8級樂理先可以報. LTCL 比 ATCL 高一級.

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