
2007-06-06 7:19 am
今朝發現魚缸死左條魚呀,再望望一下溫度計,嚇死人,34度~~救命呀,條魚係唔係因為d水太熱,死左ar.....如果係,咁我應該點做ar .....請大家幫幫手~~~謝謝!

回答 (3)

2007-06-06 7:39 am
不同 要o係不同水溫先生存到
但係咁高溫, 真係無咩魚可以生存
2007-06-06 7:25 am
yes, fishes at this temperature sure it will easy killed, but suppose the room temp. will not reach 34, the water temp can reach 34C , it must reason of other things, such as lighting (light will gererate heat to make water much warmer than room temp)
then you can go to buy a external fan to blow the water surface to cool down the water in fish tank to make a better environment for your lovely fishes
2007-06-06 7:23 am

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