
2007-06-06 6:05 am

仲有仲有, [hk快餐風氣盛行]既英文又係咩??? thank u

回答 (4)

2007-06-06 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's a slim mobile and it takes less space in your bag. You won't aware it when you put it in your pocket.

2007-06-06 11:36:06 補充:
The popular trend of Hong Kong fast food
2007-06-06 7:15 am
A pocket-size mobile phone slim fit as almost invisible. 部電話好薄,放o係袋度好慳位,擺o係褲袋度又唔會脹起左

hk快餐風氣盛行 The prevailing culture of dinning at fast food restaurants in Hong Kong

2007-06-08 04:04:43 補充:
not a good sentence in English and quite Chinglish in sentence structure.
參考: my 40 years experience with foreigners and professional practice
2007-06-06 6:42 am
A slim, pocket-fit mobile phone, which gives an amazing feeling of invisibility when you are using it.
2007-06-06 6:13 am
This moble is fit,thin for putting in bag and jeans bag,it won't distend .
參考: me

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