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蝸牛有一隻腳muscular foot, 只不過入面無骨, 動起來唔似我地咁行, 而係靠吸啜住個地, 波浪形收縮咁行. 如下圖(1) label係foot. (11) 係同一隻foot不過比個殼遮住中間.
Drawing of male Prosobranchia gastropod
light yellow - body
brown - shell and operculum
green - digestive system
light violet - gills
yellow - osphradium
red - heart
pink -
dark violet -
1. foot 2. pleural ganglion 3. pneumostome 4. upper commissura 5. osphradium 6. gills 7. ? ganglion 8. atrium of heart 9. visceral ganglion 10. ventricle 11. foot 12. operculum 13. brain 14. mouth 15. tentacle 16. eye 17. tentacle 18. ? 19. pedal ganglion 20. lower commissura 21. ? 22. pallial cavity / mantle cavity / respiratory cavity 23. parietal ganglion 24. anus 25. hepatopancreas 26. vas deferens 27. rectum 28. nephridium
其他得一隻muscular foot既動物仲有鮑魚, 帶子, 青口, 蚌, 鼻涕蟲...