Two thousand or two thousands?

2007-06-06 1:25 am
two thousand or two thousands?

回答 (7)

2007-06-06 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
"thousand" is a noun.

1) If you use it as a COUNTABLE noun (e.g. . 一千;一千個 ), it ISN'T required to add "s" at the end of the word.
e.g. The town has a population of ten thousand. 這個鎮有一萬人口。

If you use it as a UNCOUNTABLE noun(e.g數千;許許多多,無數)., it IS required to add "s" at the end of the word.
e.g. The flood took away thousands of lives. 洪水奪走了成千上萬人的生命。

Thus, two thousand is correct, i.e. no "s" at the end of thousand
參考: dictionary
2007-06-06 1:38 am
it is two thousand , it's mean 二千
two thousands is mean 數以千計
Don't mix them up

Wish I can help you
2007-06-06 1:32 am
two thousand, 無s
2007-06-06 1:32 am
Two thousand 因thousand 已經是千的解釋,不用加s.
2007-06-06 1:31 am
two thousand or two thousands
should be two thousands
2007-06-06 1:31 am
Two thousand先至岩。
Thousands用黎形容 " 成千上萬 " 或者 " 好幾千個 " 既意思。

參考: myself
2007-06-06 1:31 am
應該係"two thousands"

2007-06-05 17:33:36 補充:
應該係 " two thousands " 因為 " two " 係比" one " 多,而比 " one " 多就要有 " s " 啦!!!

2007-06-05 17:34:16 補充:
唔知岩唔岩,撞下架咋....= =""
參考: me

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